Instagram Live is a feature within Instagram Stories that allows users to create their own live streams. It was introduced in 2016 and received an update in 2017, which enables users to invite friends and viewers to participate in the video.
In the era of coronavirus, social media has become more important. However, there are also uncertainties regarding appropriate behavior on these platforms, as humor can sometimes lead to disastrous communication.
While there are no definitive or foolproof answers to these questions, one thing is clear: Instagram Stories Live has become a popular option among diverse groups.
Brands, influencers, celebrities, organizations - the list goes on - are utilizing this tool to engage in direct and transparent communication with their audience, seeking to learn about their preferences, format and approach. And all of this can be achieved with just a cell phone camera and a reliable internet connection.
During this pandemic, companies and individuals have been communicating with each other through active listening and virtual meetings. The goal is to understand how to best move forward and support each other.
If you're interested in communicating with your sales prospects, clients, and the public in a similar way, keep reading. We'll guide you through the process of creating a live Instagram session, share its benefits, and offer tips.
First, can you explain what the Instagram Live feature is?
On Instagram, the Lives feature is represented by a purple circle and a "live" notification.
You can access this feature through Instagram Stories 📱, which lets you host your own live broadcasts 🎥. It was first introduced in 2016 and received an update in 2017 that allows you to invite friends and viewers to join in on the video 🙌. As the creator of the Live broadcast, you have the ability to remove a guest ❌ and add another person at any time 🕰️, or even end the broadcast yourself 🛑.
Once the video is over, users can share it on their Stories for it to disappear after 24 hours, or delete it permanently. It is also possible to publish the video on Facebook.
Why is Instagram Live important for businesses?
This tool opens up the possibility of using Stories for other purposes such as interviews and webinars, in addition to allowing a private call with a professional contact, in case the transmission has been shared only for them.
Other options for using Lives on Instagram are:
- An informal chat between your company's (or other sector's) social media team and the public;
- Tutorials;
- Reach an audience on the social network that, unlike Snapchat, is not restricted to young audiences. It is a way to make them see your content without leaving the application and share other content without having to go to YouTube, for example: showing the backstage of your business; launches of new products and solutions, etc.
Whether in the company, at home office work, on a trip or event (for when the quarantine ends), Lives is a very accessible resource, easy to use and also has the speed of a click.
Still not convinced? Learn below the main benefits of using Lives to communicate with your audience.
3 advantages of live broadcasts on Instagram
Did you know that Instagram 📷 has over one billion active users worldwide? Additionally, studies show that 80% of people prefer watching a brand's Live 🎥 over reading their blog 📝. This presents numerous benefits for businesses. 💼
1. Increased brand visibility and interactions
The screenshot that we show you above, it shows that the Lives are being made available before the Stories of the rest of the people. Did you notice it?
When a live broadcast is happening, Instagram highlights the event, placing it first in the top bar of the application, before the rest of Stories.
Additionally, since Lives allows comments and interactions from the audience, audience engagement with this type of content really reaches higher levels. If your audience notices that you really want to talk, various comments, doubts, and suggestions will begin to appear on the screen. Thus, you will have the opportunity to take those opportunities in the best way, charming those people.
2. Accelerated Lead Generation
Instagram notifies your followers when you go live 📢, and your live video appears at the top of your Stories list 📹. This feature allows people to feel more connected and up-to-date with everything happening on the platform 🌟. Therefore, Instagram Live can be a great opportunity to engage your audience and create calls to action 💬.
- Sharing links to other materials from your brand that are relevant to the theme of the Live;
- Inviting you to register for your newsletter ;
- Disseminating a Landing Page for contact and other questions, among others.
If your content shows quality, as well as a good and sincere intention, the audience will not mind leaving their data in exchange for information, in this case, valuable and useful.
3. Organic traffic growth
If the topic you are addressing is considered relevant, it will automatically be shared in a more natural way – with friends and colleagues calling on others to participate, as well as potential professional allies.
Therefore, your material ends up becoming evident organically, that is: without any investment in internet advertising.
Another possibility is to appear in the “explore” option on Instagram, as that is where streams with good levels of interaction end up – attracting the attention of many more users!
How to make a Live on Instagram Stories?
Now that you know the benefits of Instagram Live, you know that the tool has a low cost and is accessible, Let's get to work: we are going to show you in practice how to go live on Instagram .
There are 3 simple steps:
- Open your Instagram and go to Stories, as if you were going to create one;
- At the bottom of the screen, you will have some options (create, reels, normal, boomerang, etc.). Search for “Live” and select.
- You will see your image – or what you are filming – on the screen. Ready, your broadcast has started!
When the Live comes to an end, click “End” in the upper right corner of the screen. Then, you will have 3 options:
- Save the video;
- Delete the video;
- Leave the transmission available in your Stories for 24 hours.
Here are some helpful tips to achieve success in life.
You already learned how to do a live broadcast on Instagram and you know that there is a great possibility that this strategy will bring good results – taking into account its benefits.
Finally, we give you some tips so that you can make increasingly better videos, webinars, and conversations!
Create a script
Knowing what you are going to talk about on Live is essential to convey confidence to the audience, demonstrating that you have mastered the subject and are even ready to answer questions.
Therefore, create a script of what will be said to avoid headaches – or worse, going blank! You don't need something very elaborate, even because social networks seek more informality and humanization of things (that is, if you speak a word incorrectly or get confused when speaking, you can laugh, correct it, and move on).
Some issues that complement each other – and that you can review if necessary – are enough not to get lost. Remember to act naturally and let yourself go, encouraging audience participation and interacting with them.
Think about the appearance of the recording set
Having an ideal location for live recording is very important – a studio with adequate lighting and other equipment is everyone's dream! However, this is not a norm; It is enough to be creative and keep some points in mind:
- Avoid very light or dark environments. If you have doubts about how to choose, you can stand in front of a window that allows you to face natural light.
- The setting can be fun or contain some thematic elements, just remember that you should be the one who is the attraction. Therefore, the use of many objects can divert the audience's attention.
- Will you record the Live alone? Bet on a support for your cell phone. This way, you guarantee perfect framing throughout the entire transmission.
- Think about your buyer persona and their style, what they are attracted to and prefer. This way, you will know which way to go when thinking about decorating your space.
- Don't forget the sounds around you. Find a quiet and quiet place to record the Live, with good internet to also guarantee the quality of the image. Test both – sound and image – before starting to check that everything is correct.
Interact with the public
Although we mentioned it before, it is worth reinforcing that interacting with the audience is essential for a successful Live! Excluding unique – and serious – situations, never deactivate comments. Otherwise, the audience will think they are watching a monologue about you, your brand, and your company.
Review users' questions and answer what is related to the topic of the broadcast or what you feel able to answer. It is important that, at least at the beginning of the Live, you stimulate interactions, asking questions to the audience, and asking them to send comments, suggestions, and doubts.
Plan to call a guest. It is not that it is always necessary, but consider that interactions increase since the audience will be larger. It can be a friend, with the entire script shared, or with someone strange from the audience, to play with the factor of randomness and surprise – of course, everything within what is in line with the profile of your company and audience.
Use streaming on Instagram Stories to communicate
These are difficult times for all of us, including the economy and businesses. However, communication can break barriers and chart new directions collaboratively, creatively, even digitally and remotely. #collaboration #creativity #digitalcommunication #remotework #togetherwecan
Livestreaming can bring you closer to your audience, clients, prospects, and the public. Share your strategies in the comments. #livestreamingtips #marketingstrategy #digitalmarketing #contentcreation #audienceengagement #socialmedia #brandawareness
Do you know about Instagram threads what it is and how it works: Learn Here
Good results.