Social networks are real-time digital channels that can be used on mobile devices or computers, meaning that we are connected to these digital platforms 24/7, whether for relationships, entertainment, or work issues.
These means can be a “double-edged sword” because they can take you to the heights of success or they can send you into the void of failure.
For this reason, we put together the following information so that you can analyze the positive and negative aspects of these digital tools.
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Mass reach: amplifying your Message
Definitely, social networks are an element that is part of the marketing and sales strategy, as is one of their star advantages: the ability to provide massive reach of a company's messages.
These are some actions to take into account to spread your message:
Create advertising to reach a certain audience and recognize the brand.
The virality of exciting and creative content can be a way to boost the company's message to a certain audience.
Your message can spread quickly and organically on social networks through actions such as sharing or retweeting, where your message is highlighted and appears many times in the social network feed.
The use of hashtags and tags can increase the visibility of publications made by the brand. Users who follow these names can find your company's content, expanding its reach.
The above may meet the proposed objectives, but it does not guarantee an immediate conversion, so it is important to plan a marketing strategy focused on these digital channels to achieve a satisfactory result.
Direct Interaction with the Public
Social networks, from the business field, work to connect the brand with millions of users around the world and increase its visibility in the market, as it is one of its most significant advantages.
So how can we have that direct interaction?
We can do this by creating eye-catching and accessible content.
Managing two-way communication between the brand and the audience.
Generate voice-to-voice marketing to maintain an active brand presence.
Create actions so that the public chooses you and buys from you.
You need to listen to your audience, communities or groups are almost always created that will talk about a brand, so monitoring what they say will be the key. This technique is known as Social Media Listening.
These media have their algorithms, that is, they work in a certain way so that users can find a brand.
The humanization of companies and direct interaction is what customers want today because they enjoy interacting with people, they want closeness.
Addressing this interaction with empathy and care will be essential to avoid a negative impact on brand perception.
The Challenge of Content Saturation
Due to the ease of access, social networks are full of content and information, so the competition for the user's attention is demanding, which causes the marketing strategy to lose focus and not obtain the planned results.
Social networks are a powerful communication tool that allows users to express themselves without censorship.
Review the following key aspects for this section:
You will need to organize the content and messages so that they are of greatest interest.
Before creating any content you must consider how you are going to create it and implement the strategy.
Generating content must be done strategically under the profile of your ideal Buyer persona or client. Here you can help you with content marketing.
The frequency of publication is essential, create a grid and a publication schedule.
Users have express attention, that is, they quickly review the wave of content on their social networks. So, the task here is to create content that adds value and immediately captures the audience's attention.
Try to maintain your voice and your own style in the content, this will help users identify you more easily among the number of publications they see daily.
What are the main and definitive advantages of social networks?
Companies currently want to approach marketing and sales from social networks, so we will mention a list of general positive factors and others that involve this field.
Unlimited connection: You can talk to anyone in the world or reconnect with old friends you haven't seen in years.
In the business field, there is a global reach, allowing brands to reach an audience without restrictions.
Job opportunities: although there are social networks such as LinkedIn focused on professional and labor topics, most of these allow the use of content referring to job offers, which guarantees greater ease for the unemployed when looking for a job.
We can also see it from a business perspective, these digital channels will be a useful tool, as they will boost the positioning of a brand or have the ease of selling products/services.
Direct Interaction: digital platforms make it easier for companies to connect with their ideal audience, and be attentive to their concerns, needs, and interests, which strengthens a stable bond between the brand and the customer.
Low costs: creating accounts on social networks is free, likewise designing organic content campaigns that position the brand and generate greater interaction with users, has flexible costs.
Source of lead generation: they are a favorite channel to capture and retain qualified leads.
Build a brand identity: be able to do this outside of the company website, if possible, through social media.
Take a look at the types of social networks: characteristics, personality, and their impact on Marketing and Sales.
What are the definitive disadvantages of social networks?
As the saying goes: “Faces we see, hearts we do not know.” This is what happens with social networks, we can see what is happening at a glance, but deep down there may be bad or other intentions.
Consider these negative aspects, in general, and of course in Marketing and Sales:
They can be very addictive
The WHO (World Health Organization) states that those who suffer from addiction to the internet, social networks, and other technologies have the same effect on their brains as psychoactive substances, which affects the mental health of the youngest.
Another important point here is the limit that parents should have with their children when using social networks, to avoid emotional and physical effects.
For example, digital harassment; This is indicated by the newspaper El Heraldo, Colombia: “Every day the number of boys and girls who suffer from 'sexting', 'grooming' and 'bullying' that affects the emotional and physical part of the students increases.”
Impact on emotions: excessive use of social networks can have consequences on the emotional side of users. Information overload and fake and negative news are factors that cause emotional imbalance.
Intense competition although it can be a challenge for the company and generate more effort in creating content, it will also become a headache, because the users of these social networks may feel overwhelmed with so much information.
They influence the reputation of brands: inadequate administration of networks can cause a bad image in the digital world, for this reason, the user experience must be prioritized since they will be the ones who recommend the brands.
Computer attacks company information, when exposed on social networks, is easy prey for hackers (computer hackers) and trolls (persons with unknown identities) who try to discredit the brand with false testimonials, negative comments, or with a cyber offensive.
You have to be very alert to these types of events!
In conclusion, social media provides too many advantages and disadvantages, it is a constant challenge, so you should carefully consider its use and make the most of its benefits.
Learn How to Go Live on Instagram with Tips, Advantages, and More! Learn Here
Until next time!