5 Strategies to generate Leads in social networks that you should try

Writer RajuBhai

Lead generation is easily one of the most crucial functions of any brand's social media profile, as it should help collect data from people interested in your company. 

Over 60% of B2B clients rely on content production as their primary lead generation strategy. A "lead" can be understood as any information collected about a potential customer. It could be an email, a contact number, or some other pertinent detail about the audience, such as age or occupation. Lead collection helps you better target your audience and provide them with relevant information that can move them further down the sales funnel and become customers. 

Below, we've compiled tried and tested social media lead generation strategies that will help you boost your business: 

Make sure your profile is optimized

Before starting a lead generation campaign, take a look at your profile; make sure it's optimized for collecting information from potential customers. This means: having the right buttons for each call-to-action (CTA) or call to action , adding a visible link on your profile and making sure all your contact details are also visible.

The popular bar-restaurant specialized in tortillas in Spain, Casa Dani (@casadanimadrid), provides its followers and profile visitors with options to contact them or place an order directly from Instagram. These action buttons help you capture leads by collecting information that people exchange when placing an order or asking for help. 

The profile section of your Instagram page is the equivalent of a highly valuable real estate asset. Having multiple CTAs at the top will certainly encourage profile visitors to engage with your brand. If your goal is to collect email addresses, for example, you cannot forget to add a registration link in your profile accompanied by a CTA or call to action – registration in this case. 

To add an action button on Instagram: 

  1. Make sure you have a company profile.
  2. Go to Settings and then tap Action Buttons .
  3. Select a button.

This rule also applies to other social media platforms. Facebook, for example, allows you to customize the main action button at the top of your page so you can prioritize the type of leads you want to receive. 

Instagram guide for business

Explore the full potential of the social network to generate more results and sales in your company.

Hold a raffle or contest 

All people love to receive free stuff, that is why social media giveaways are considered as one of the best growth hacks. Remember: the simpler the participation mechanics, the more people will want to join. And of course, the more tempting the reward, the more chance your giveaway will go viral. 

The easiest way to collect leads through a giveaway on social networks is by requesting registration via email or including a satisfaction survey that includes email as a means of identification. 

In order to enter the contest, steps may include:

  • Follow your social media account
  • Give a "like" on your campaign photo
  • Subscribe to your Newsletter

The winner can be chosen using a random number generator or a random name picker. You can find several on the Internet. 

Using a visual hook 

When running a social media campaign, it's important to highlight your call to action. Whether you want your audience to click a link in your bio, swipe up, sign up through a channel, or make a purchase, these CTAs need to stand out with eye-catching images. 

Fuente: https://www.instagram.com/refinery29/

Refinery29 (@refinery29) uses great illustrations and graphics to engage their audience and encourage them to interact. 

Fuente: https://www.instagram.com/girlsnightinclub/

Girl's Night In (@girlsnightinclub) gives fans a sneak peek or preview of their Newsletters by posting a snippet of the full content to their feed. By posting snippets and teasers of what they'll receive after signing up, your leads can already see the reward they'll get for providing your emails. 

To create amazing images with minimal effort, you can use photo editing apps like Instasize that have easy-to-apply templates and effects. 

Gestiona Lead Ads

A Lead Ad is a type of ad that collects information about people who have clicked on your ad based on custom questions that you can set through the Facebook Ad Center. The best thing about creating a lead ad is that you don't have to have a website or create a landing page; all you need is to fill out a form. 

Fuente: https://www.facebook.com/thehomesphere/

Facebook can collect the data of your Leads , you just have to create a form within the platform. 

By posting a lead ad, you are sure that all the leads you will receive are valuable and easily convertible to customers, as only the most interested people are willing to leave their contact information. In addition, you can use the collected data to optimize the segmentation. 

Collaborate with an Influencer

Select an influencer who is considered an authority in your niche/industry with a fan base you would like to target. While it may be tempting to choose an influencer based on the number of followers, it's always best to focus on engagement levels. 

If you're just starting out, partnering with an influencer can help you build greater credibility and trust. Not to mention, it's bound to have a broader reach than yours. That is why it is important to choose an influencer who is very well aligned with your brand. 

If you decide to work with several influencers, it is advisable to assign each of them an individual link as an affiliate to measure their performance. 

Start collecting those leads 

With these simple, yet effective lead generation strategies , your social media profile will grow beyond vanity metrics. As always, don't forget to track and measure all your efforts to find opportunities for improvement. 

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