5 infallible tips to do WhatsApp Marketing

Writer Raju Bhai

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used instant messaging applications today, especially in Latin America.

In February of this year, from its Twitter account, WhatsApp shared figures on its 2,000 million active users and let it be known that more than 100,000 million messages pass through its platform.

Quite impressive numbers, especially for a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) who is looking for a platform from which to reach many users at the same time and with a low investment.

We know that storytelling is a powerful tool within marketing, so using it within applications that are also strong, such as WhatsApp, will allow you to increase your chances of developing a successful campaign.

WhatsApp has multiple resources that you can use to make yourself known, interact, make communications, segment your audiences, and even to measure your actions with numbers.

In addition, you have the WhatsApp Business option that allows you to delve even deeper into strategies and offers you other additional options that the "standard" does not have. This, always for the benefit of your brand.

If you have an inbound marketing agency , surely you can get even more out of this and many other platforms, but in case you don't have that advice, we are here to help you achieve your goals in a simple and practical way.

We want to share with you now 5 tips that will help you succeed within WhatsApp and that you can use each of its resources optimally.

1. Define your goals

It is always essential to start any marketing campaign by defining the objectives you want to achieve with it. Regardless of the platform you are going to use, having clear objectives is the best starting point.

The objectives are the north that will set the course of your actions and will be your guide -as well as your motivation- within the marketing campaigns. If you have SMART goals , it will be even easier to achieve them, since they will be perfectly defined.

If you do not have much knowledge about what SMART are, in a few words we will tell you that they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant objectives and with a defined time frame.

In this way, you will be able to optimize them, so that they guide you without ambiguity and with very clear points.

2. Have your database

The next thing to consider is the database. Since WhatsApp is an instant messaging application, you will need the contact numbers of your potential clients or your leads.

You can start with a base that you already have and you can get new contacts through a landing page , a contact box on your website or even by sharing your WhatsApp link on social networks.

In this way, you will be able to allow new users to write to you and thus you will be able to enter them into your database. This will help you to solve their doubts or to be able to assist them at the same time that you obtain their means of contact for future occasions.

It is important that you have your database purified, so that you do not end up writing to users who perhaps no longer have that number or who are wrong numbers, you will also avoid reports such as SPAM, etc.

3. Develop the content strategy

Knowing what to communicate and how to do it will be key to the success of your WhatsApp Marketing campaign. Always keep your audience in mind when creating your content strategy; the more personalized the message, the better results you will have.

And with personalized we do not mean sharing a generic message with the name of the users, but that your content must be focused on their needs, tastes and preferences.

You can use WhatsApp groups or the broadcast tool to write to each of your niches separately, this way you can go more directly to the specific groups that you have within your database.

On the other hand, within WhatsApp you have many tools to make your content attractive; You have emojis, GIFs, Stickers, the possibility of sharing images, videos, voice notes, links and documents.

All these resources will help you to give character to your content, to make it more enjoyable and even to be able to be part of trends that are of interest to your leads. By knowing your audience you will be able to arrive with relevant and timely messages.

EBOOK: How to use WhatsApp in Digital Marketing Strategies

Discover how to win over customers and optimize sales through the application.

4. Set the frequencies and formats

A very important tip is that you establish the frequency with which you are going to contact or communicate something to your users. No one wants to receive a message every day with the same information or just some promotion.

It is essential not to fall into practices that are considered SPAM or invade the space of your potential customers. Try using different options and reach out to them when you have something really important to tell them.

Especially if you know it's something they need or are going to be attracted to. Depending on your field, you can use the Stories section to communicate general messages, also without abusing the resource.

At first, it may be a little more difficult to find the balance between frequency and everything you sure have to share, but with the help of the last tip we have for you, you can surely achieve it.

5. Measure the performance of your actions

Finally, measure the performance of what you do and evaluate your results, always objectively and focused on obtaining information of value to you, through the numbers that the application shows you.

Check what kind of stories have the most views; if you upload more than 5 per day, will the views drop?; How many users actually reply to your messages? Also be very attentive to if you receive complaints or if someone blocks you.

All this information will give you important insights that will allow you to improve your strategies more and more.

On the other hand, you must also see the positive, what they like. Do you get more responses when you share a funny GIF perhaps or when you use custom stickers?

WhatsApp is a great platform to connect with users, but remember that it is also a private space for them, so you must use it correctly as a brand.

Finally, we just want to invite you to study the platform, get to know the Business version and decide which one best suits what you want to achieve to achieve your goals.

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