Learn about the 4 fundamental pillars of planning for social networks

Writer RajuBhai

Good social media planning includes aspects such as target audience, channel presence strategy, publication frequency, and constant monitoring of results. By having a clear plan for your social networks, the company still gains the flexibility to take advantage of the topics of the moment.

The presence of brands in social networks requires planning. Therefore, any marketing strategy begins with the definition of objectives, indicators, audience, deadlines and managers.

But many brands don't have any planning for social media. They go in not knowing what to do there! And, in this way, they waste a large part of the Marketing potential of these platforms.

We do not want that to happen to you with your company. Therefore, we bring this content to help you. Take a look and discover what are the 4 pillars of good planning for social networks!

What do I need to know before planning social media?

Before planning social networks, it is important to define the objectives of marketing and the company as a whole.

After all, social media strategy only makes sense if it helps the business achieve its goals: sell more, expand reach, generate more leads , or attract site visitors, for example.

Planning for social networks, therefore, is the way to organize ideas and strategies so that they fulfill their role in business strategy.

Therefore, it is necessary to review the points that we will present below: audience, objective, channels, frequency of publication, content and monitoring of results.

Know who your brand is talking to

Social media was made to create connections. They are powerful relationship tools between brands and consumers. So in order to connect with people, you need to know who you're talking to. To do this, the ideal is to profile your buyer persona during planning.

persona is the description of a fictional character that would represent your ideal customer. It is with this character in mind that your content will be able to scale in your audience, since you will address the topics that interest that person, you will resolve their doubts and needs, you will speak in their language and you will be on the channels they use.

Keep in mind that a buyer persona goes beyond the concept of target audience , which you have probably already defined for your brand.

While the target audience segments people superficially based on gender, age, and location, the buyer persona delves into the audience's interests and behaviors throughout their journey of discovering and learning about your brand.

Define a planning strategy for social media

If you already know who you're talking to on social media, what strategies should you adopt to communicate with your person? Defining a strategy shows the way to reach your buyer persona, build a relationship with them and achieve results.

For this, the strategy must begin with the definition of objectives and goals. Think about what you want to achieve in the short, medium and long term on social networks. Set quantifiable and measurable goals so that the indicators can show if you have achieved them.

With the objectives and goals in sight, mark the path to achieve them. Analyze the context of your market, how competitors operate, how the public relates to brands, and what opportunities you can explore on social media.

Define what content you will produce (paid and organic), what editorial lines you will follow and how your team will be organized.

When defining your social media strategy , you will also need to define what methodology you will use. You can work with different methodologies, such as Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing or even Unbound Marketing. This latest methodology combines Inbound and Outbound techniques to accompany the consumer on their journey.

Establish channels, constancy and frequency

Many brands put this step at the beginning, defining the channels and content first. But the choice of platforms depends on the definition of the strategic objectives and the profile of the buyer persona, which we must discover in previous stages, as we already mentioned.

Each social network has different features, formats, and languages, serving different audiences and helping to meet different marketing objectives. Therefore, it is important to study each social network to choose the platforms that are most aligned with your planning.

By defining channels, you will already be able to plan a publication calendar that guarantees its periodicity. Brands must have constant posts, with an adequate time interval between them, so as not to lose the engagement of followers and demonstrate activity to the algorithms that are always working.

It's worth noting that there is no universal post frequency: the important thing is to assess your production capacity and experiment with your audience to see what works best.

Manage content and monitor results

On social networks, it is not enough just to publish content. At the tip of the iceberg are the posts that appear to followers, but behind that, there are many other social media management activities.

This management includes routine organization, content production, post scheduling, analysis of results reports and much more. One of the most important issues in social media management is monitoring post results.

You need to monitor the performance of your posts to find out what worked and which topics or formats produced the most interactions. Although it is a neglected step by many brands, this evaluation is the one that feeds the planning of the next publications, so that they generate even more results.

To manage and monitor social media reports, it is essential to have materials and tools that help your team organize activities and plan content.

Good social media planning doesn't need to be complicated.

Do you already have the planning ready? Marvelous! It's time to put it into practice and perfect your social networks! But don't be a hostage to what you've defined: good planning for social networks is always open to change, to adapt to reality and accompany current issues.

In addition to taking advantage of the news, it is important, along with the analysis of results, to understand and identify what is not working for your brand. In this way, you will be able to evaluate all the nuances and obtain better results. After collecting all this information, it is time to make decisions and modify what was originally planned, to exclude what you now know is not working.

Social media conversations and user responses to your content should also be considered Improvement Insights. The intention is to collect as much data as possible and transform it into valuable information to improve more and more.

Learn how to link your business's Instagram Stories: Learn  Here

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