How to use the Instagram Reels resource

Writer Raju Bhai

It is well known to all that Instagram, as a social network and as an online platform, is one of the most popular and powerful today.

Although it is relatively new, compared to others, such as Facebook and Twitter, Instagram knew how to make its way and reach the top in a short time, becoming the favorite of many.

Something key that has kept Instagram in the mind of the consumer are the updates and modifications that it makes.

You will always see new things and adaptations that are useful and interesting to its users and that is why they remain loyal.

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Attract more followers with potential to buy, transform them into loyal customers and win fans for your brand.

In addition, over the years, the possibility of advertising on Instagram was enabled , which opened a space for monetization and investment for brands, thus achieving great results thanks to the platform.

On the other hand, the Instagram algorithm began to make people interested in knowing how to grow organically in order to see results without having to invest money.

It is here where they began to study which were the best phrases for Instagram , at what time it was best to publish, what type of audiovisual material worked best, etc. 

However, with the arrival of Tik Tok and all the boom it generated in just a few months, Instagram felt threatened for the first time in years and decided to face the competition by creating its Reels.

Reels is basically a video option where you can create original content using effects, music, transitions, and more. But since its launch, it has perhaps not had the performance that Instagram expected and, unfortunately, many use it only to share their Tik Toks.

That is why, in this article, we will tell you in just three steps what you should do to be able to take advantage of this new resource to which Instagram is giving more relevance.

How to use the Reels resource on Instagram?

  1. study the tool

Like anything new and unknown, it can be a bit confusing at first. Maybe you don't know how to use the timer or how to add the music you want, don't worry, it's normal. That's the way we started with everything.

To improve yourself, study each option that Reels offers you, make test videos, see what others are sharing, and once you feel ready to use it, start creating your content.

Let's leave that “I'm too old for this” mentality behind, not all Reels are of people dancing American teenage choreographies.

Reels is a very versatile audiovisual resource and it has in its favor that Instagram is giving it all the relevance to face Tik Tok.

  1. Know your audience

Once you know what kind of videos you want to record and how you are going to do it, it is important that you take into account the tastes and needs of your audience.

Just because doggie reels get a lot of likes and comments doesn't mean you have to do them too. 

Create interesting videos for your followers and you can see good results even if they don't go viral. You should always think like the user who follows you to create the right content.

  1. follow the trends

Learn what others are creating, what users like, and how you can tailor this to your brand.

Also, engaging with trending videos will help you stay active between Reels.

Once you have polished these three steps, you will see that Reels will become a valuable resource for you and that you will have positive results using this tool without investing any money.

Accompany your Reels with quality publications and stories, valuable content that brings something interesting to your audience and you will have a successful Instagram account.

As a last tip, do not abuse any of the resources. The fact that Reels are more relevant now does not mean that you should only do Reels or upload 10 videos a day.

Keep a balance in your content and stay true to your brand. In this way, it will be easier for you to maintain quality.

Now we invite you to share this article with those people you know who need it. Let's help others also have access to valuable information.

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