Marketing on Instagram: get to know this social network and understand how you can use it in your business

Writer RajuBhai

The objective of Instagram, speaking in business terms, is to be able to generate a community with your target audience where interaction mainly reigns. This will cause a greater integration between the brand and the client, it will increase the reach of your product or service and, consequently, it will generate more sales.

Now being connected on social networks is essential for any digital marketing strategy in any company, and it is that social networks generate a certain type of connection and proximity between the brand and the target audience.

I want to start this post with some important data: Instagram now has more than 600 million active users and 75% of them are outside the United States, of that public, more than 60% connect daily, thus becoming the second social network with the highest participation after Facebook.

More than a third of Instagram audiences have great purchasing power potential, as they have used their mobile phone to buy a product online at some point, making them 70% more likely to do so than non-users.

Now, if we analyze the participation of companies in this social network, 48.8% of brands have an Instagram account and the number is expected to increase exponentially.

In addition, if we only look at the 100 most important brands in the world, we can see that 90% of them already have an Instagram account.

If these data sound interesting for your business, I invite you to continue reading.

Do you want to complement the information in this article? Download our eBook: How to Advertise on Instagram Ads.

How to advertise on Instagram Ads

Learn how to create ads on Instagram and extract more results for your business

Instagram target audience does it make sense for your business?

To understand when it is time for your business to become part of this great social network, it is important to start by understanding how your target audience uses Instagram.

For example, in the case of Facebook or Twitter it is common to see people who are looking for information (news pages, blogs or specialized communities in different areas that have a large audience), but on Instagram this does not usually happen in the same way, since it is more visual and that is why you must first understand what are the objectives of your business that connect or have a greater relationship with the way in which the network is used.

We are going to mention several successful brands in this app throughout the article, such as Red Bull and its "Instagram your inspiration" project, where it encouraged its followers to upload photos inspired by the brand's colors -red, blue, and silver. - using three different hashtags, where the best images were posted on billboards in five UK cities.

The most innovative aspect of this initiative was having the real collaboration of the users, who have the opportunity to see their work exposed.

Or also how GoPro , the quintessential camera for athletes who did not want to be left behind, took advantage of the benefits of Instagram, where in his account he shows amazing photos that can be taken with his product. Who wouldn't want to take a photo like this?

The most important thing is to convey your message to your potential customers, which is why it is very important to understand the relationship between your company's objectives and what can be done through images and videos that are interesting to your audience, generating an accurate interpretation of your business.

To arrive at this interpretation, it is important to know information about the target audience and analyze how companies in your market and others are using the network, being very creative when it comes to implementing different ways that fit the interest of your company.

Institutional Instagram What is the best type of publication for my business?

1- Show behind the scenes of your products

You can show the benefits of your products but do not forget the main ingredient, which is the generation of interaction with users, their participation is important to generate greater participation and integration with the brand and the client.

It will help you a lot to answer these types of questions: How are your products made? Images of the manufacturing process can add value to the sales process and bring more information to whoever wants to buy. What services does your business offer? What is the way of working in your company? What experiences do your products generate in your potential customers?

If you answer these questions you will have material to generate content and generate greater positioning and user participation. Similar to the example I commented above about GoPro on his Instagram account.

2- Tell a story

Create publications that integrate one image with another, important dates or events.

This is the case of the airline Vueling , which held a contest on Instagram to celebrate its 50 million passengers in 2011. In this contest, the brand invited its fans to upload photos of any Vueling destination using the tag #vuelingairgallery .

The results? More than 7,000 photos of the main European destinations. When the campaign was finished, they selected the best photos and decorated a plane with these photos, giving thanks.

3- Label creatively

Here came Mercedes Benz who carried out one of the most awarded campaigns at the 2015 Facebook Awards, with the label build_your_own (build_your_own), where his objective was to reach a younger market segment using one of his GLA car models, creating Thus, through the use of Instagram tags, a way to customize the model of the car from the change of color, the tires, to the roof, literally everything could be chosen.

This campaign resulted in 100,000 likes on Instagram and 20,000 new followers, generating more traffic and sales.

4- Generate the Challenge

Strategizing with an Instagram influencer to create an impact is a great way to build brand recall in the minds of your potential customers.

For example, Oreo , one of the famous cookie brands, as a marketing strategy on Instagram, proposed to its followers to share on Instagram new ways to eat their favorite cookies using the hashtag #OreoSnakHack and released a video with renowned chefs introducing the cookies. famous cookies as an ingredient in their fantastic recipes.

5- Use images with text

An image with a short sentence makes it easy to read quickly with a clean background.

Images that have text can be a great reason to share, you can use famous phrases (as long as they are authorized to the public, do not forget to quote) that are aligned with the values ​​or beliefs of your business, phrases that call to action or eye-catching content, are good ways to use an image with text.

But you must be careful with the legend since it must be an extension of the phrase that you put in the image and not a repetition of it.

6- Mention where you are, an important goal on instagram

Does your business have physical stores and need more visits? This could be a good way for people to know where you are. In your images, in addition to the legend, you must make use of geolocation.

For example, if the company has different subsidiaries or franchises, it is a good way to show where they are, another alternative is to register the company's presence at events or conferences to generate greater trust or credibility.

For example, Victoria's Secret on her Instagram account where she posts images commemorating the opening of her new store in Shanghai using


What is the best time to post?

Each social network has its peak hour, on Instagram in general the best times to post are during working hours, with the highest peaks at 3 or 4 in the afternoon where the reaction to posts at this time is quite high. 22.5 per 1000. (Source:   Quicksprout )

At first these hours will work very well for you, but I recommend that you carry out an analysis of the hours that work for your brand in a period of one month and you can interpret the results to know the best hours for your target audience on Instagram specifically.

In addition, to discover your perfect schedule, you must answer the following questions: What are the habits of my consumer? And how does he behave in relation to my business?

For example, if you had a restaurant that only works during lunch hours, it would be perfect to generate publications at 11 in the morning or if your company works with laser printing, making publications on Saturdays or Sundays could bring a better result than if You will post during the week.

The use of Hashtags: #how to use

During the article I have written "hashtag" several times, but do you really know what a hashtag is ?

In summary, they are keywords that determine the subject of the publication, if you use a correct hashtag you can generate a greater impact and exposure to your photos or videos, but you must have your public account because if it is a private account, a person who is not following will not be able to see your posts and your effort would be greatly minimized.

In addition, the hashtags work as filters that allow you to find much easier information by topic, an example of this is  Coca-cola in its instagram account, which mentions the hashtag #StPatricksDay and when a user wants to search for photos about this event, they can see the publication of the brand generating a connection with the user, since it shares the interests and preferences of its clients.

Tips when creating a # (Hashtag):

  1. what characters to use

You can add numbers in the hashtags if you want but do not use spaces or special characters ($,* or %)

  1. No more no less

By putting a lot of hashtags in the same photo, you will not generate greater attraction, neither to your photo nor to the message, on the contrary, you could be scaring away new followers, so be careful not to exaggerate. I recommend having between one and three hashtags per image or video.

  1. Don't overdo the labels

Use a maximum of 30 tags in a post, if this number exceeds your comment will not be published and you must be very careful not to become a spammer.

  1. #Top10

Using broad hashtags can cause your images to fall into a sea of ​​information and not be found. That's why look for # that have more to do with the context of your publication, studying your followers and competitors can be a good alternative to add ideas to your hashtags and optimize your marketing on Instagram.

  1. #TuHashtag

Do not think that because it is a hashtag created by you that people are going to use it too, that is why it is important that you have a context in which this hashtag is used. For example, an action to increase the participation of your fans, a promotion or take advantage of an offline campaign.

Having #Tuhashtag allows you to measure the result of your campaign.

Just a suggestion, the hashtag that you create should not necessarily have the name of your company, since using #Campañamaslacompany can be somewhat forced and you may not obtain the expected result.

Conquering new fans/followers

  1. varies from content

Try new ways to generate content in images and videos uploaded to Instagram, remember that your publications are in a space of time with millions of others competing for the attention of users who are on their cell phones looking for some information or just to be distracted.

When the videos are well prepared, they have a participation or interaction rate of the users three times higher than in the photos, everything is valid here, from demonstrations of your products, interviews, preview of the launches and everything that your brand can produce as long as you are aware of the Marketing proposal that you want to transmit on your Institutional Instagram.

  1. discover back

Looking at the profile of your fans or followers is a good strategy to discover their profiles, their preferences and tastes. So you can redirect your Instagram goals to new posts much closer to your target audience. Remember, generating experiences is what counts.

  1. Interaction

When you want to interact with your followers, you must look for the right moment so as not to pass as a seller who is only interested in offering their products, you must put yourself in the customer's place. Imagine that you are at a meeting of friends and you want to enter the conversation, you must see if your comment is within the context without having to force the dialogue, likewise you must act with your marketing actions on Instagram.

  1. Analyze the competition

Did you see any innovative or interesting action that your competitor did and generated an excellent result? If you have seen it, you should learn from it, you can apply it in your own business and... If the result you wanted does not come out? Great, because you have to analyze this result where you will learn much more than the success of the competition.

Just be careful to look like "a copy", do not post an image with a similar phrase or use the same theme in the same week, take a better look at the action you took and what made the most interaction with your users to generate good practices in your account.

It is important to follow your competition on Instagram, be aware of any interaction they have on the network with users, from comments, "likes", publications or different actions, you must monitor so as not to be left behind.

  1. Make presence in the network

As well as on Instagram and other social networks, they have means of dissemination. Insert a banner that promotes your profile on your website or blog, comment on Twitter, make different posts on Facebook. Using all these resources, the support of allies on social networks (those profiles in your area that have a large following) and press advice are key to growing your Institutional Instagram.


Define the topics very well and create good content, produce good images, take advantage of the new features that the network has and do not forget to publish regularly, but above all, you must link all this to an excellent marketing strategy under the objectives or purposes that pursue your business, making Instagram a tool that will generate success for your company.

If you liked the post, give it a like and leave your comments and subscribe to our blog. We also invite you to share with us what other strategies have worked for you in your business.

Until next time!

Frequent questions

How to do marketing on Instagram?

You can do it in two ways. Organically, which would be posting on your feed or in stories, on a daily basis or through Instagram Ads.

What is the best time to post on Instagram?

In general, the best times to post are during work hours, with highest peaks during 3 or 4 p.m., where the reaction to posts during these hours is quite high at 22.5 per 1,000.

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