Should your company use all social networks?

Writer RajuBhai

It is true that offering many contact options is always good for communication and prospecting for new clients. After all, if you want to reach more people, you need to be in more places, right?

Yes and no. Being present in all networks can bring many advantages, perhaps it will allow you to have more presence on the Internet and be within the reach of your potential future customers. But it also creates a few more problems that you should keep in mind if you want to be on every social network out there. For example:

The Definitive Guide to Social Media

Learn how to plan, produce content and generate leads and sales with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and other networks to generate concrete results in your business

Not all networks are for your company

Currently, there is a lot of variety in social networks, but that does not mean that they are all suitable for the different lines of business. Depending on the products, services or even the size of each company, some social networks could be more beneficial than others. Analyzing what makes each network different and what each one can offer is one of the most important steps before deciding if you want to use social networks or not.

Messages that are not suitable for the channel

Every social network is different and the messages you post should be too. Some platforms are more “friendly”, while others are more “professional”. Knowing this difference is vital for the different messages you make. The channel-message combination is a decisive factor in reaching new prospects and determining the quality of messages you want to show your customers.

Too many leads generated

One of the most important points to consider when getting new leads on social networks is this: by having a presence everywhere, you may get more leads than you can handle. In some occasions, having only 5 clients could be better than having 10, due to the ease in following up with each one. Having too many prospects could mean poor service offered and lost sales.

So you must ask yourself: If at this moment 20 clients arrived asking for information, could you offer an excellent service to each and every one? Or would you prefer it to be 10 today and 10 tomorrow? In the answer to this question lies the meaning of this blogpost.

Less is more

In the same way as in the previous point, having only enough channels would mean that all the efforts of your team could be focused on improving the quality of a specific area and not having too many channels with little follow-up and poor communication.

Focusing on a single channel should be the first step before moving on to other media. In this way, when you feel ready to migrate to a new network, you will already have the necessary knowledge, experience and equipment to start receiving more and more clients, without losing quality in your prospecting processes.

So what should you choose? Use only the number of platforms needed and focus on them, or use all of them and risk losing quality? Fortunately for companies, that question has begun to lose relevance over the years and the increase in technology.

What is this about? There are specialized tools that will provide you with what you need to keep up to date with all your business opportunities generated on social networks. In this way, you will avoid losing opportunity and quality in your processes. What tools are these?

Currently, there are a large number of programs dedicated to solving these cases. The so-called omnichannel platforms are a great opportunity to increase the number of contact channels without having to compromise the quality of each of them.

With its functions that will allow you to immediately attend to each case coming from networks, applications and even your own website , you will never lose clients again for taking time to respond to them.

Other advantages of implementing these omnichannel platforms are:

  • Know the history of all your conversations for future interactions with your customers.
  • Creation of CRM with the data that the prospects provide you.
  • Employee metrics.
  • Analyze conversations to find points for improvement.
  • Among many more features!

Have you heard of these omnichannel programs? These types of platforms have much more to offer. If you want to know all the other functions you can enter the following link and find out about the advantages of implementing an omnichannel service in your prospecting processes.

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