Social Media Manager: what does it do and how is it different?

Writer RajuBhai

If you are in love with the progress that we can show in social networks to do Inbound Marketing , and you are one of those who recognize the good work of others, it is likely that when you see the campaign on networks of your favorite brand you ask yourself: « How do to generate so much influence on others?» or "Where does so much creativity come from?"...

Well. Just as they say that behind an achievement there is always a great job of graphic design (and it is true). In this case we can say that, behind the success of a campaign on social networks , there is a great Social Media Manager and, of course, an excellent work team led by him.

Now, if you have come this far, more questions may arise such as: "what is a Social Media Manager?" "What functions do you perform within the company?" "Is there a career to be able to exercise this position?" and "Is it the same Community Manager?".

Don't worry! Today we will take advantage of this blog to solve all the mysteries regarding a Social Media Manager. What are their functions, when is it necessary to appoint one to the team, why can they currently be so important within the organization... among other concerns you may have.

So, I invite you to take out a pencil and paper. And in 6 minutes take from here everything you can learn for your professional career and so that you can also share it with your loved ones.

Prepared? Here we go!

What is Social Media Manager?

Let's start with the basics, what is a Social Media Manager?...

In general terms, it is the person in charge of leading, managing and evaluating the social media team of a company or company, according to the marketing actions arranged.

Is it the same person who fills the role of Community Manager? The answer is no!

Although in some places these two roles are often confused, later you will realize why they are not the same.

But, before continuing, it is important to remember about the evolution of communications over time. Since, if we analyze types of content and the ways in which companies communicated their strategies shortly before 2010, traditional methods (TV and Radio) were the ones that could generate the greatest reach. Media that, although they continue to be used with a massive and direct strategy, now have low interaction with their target audience .

So, currently, and especially in the last decade, social networks have become a perfect means of communication to position a brand in the market , or, on the contrary, destroy it.

All this evolution has generated new demands from our audiences or leads (people who leave us their contact information). Those who seek to be close to a brand or be able to interact with it in real time, what we like the most as humanity. Social networks, with all their tools, lead us to update our knowledge to meet these needs.

Hence the importance of Social Media Manager and social media marketing. This person is in charge of leading the entire process of operating strategies in social networks. From its inception, through strategic planning based on the needs of each market, going through the execution process, until reaching the point of collecting metrics and evaluating the results of your work plan.

And of course, make decisions!

Are you already knowing what a Social Media Manager is? I hope your answer is positive because, next, we are going to answer the questions that we considered at the beginning of the reading.

What is the difference between a Social Media Manager and a Community Manager?

To understand the differences that exist between these two roles, let's see this comparison between what is a Social Media Manager and Community Manager. 

Did you solve this your doubt with the previous comparative table? In short, both functions are important to the brand. The first strategically plans, directs and evaluates, while the other is directly related to and executes what is planned.

It is worth mentioning that in a hierarchical order the person who works as Social Media Manager is the leader of the area where the Community Manager operates.

Is there a career that certifies me as a Social Media Manager?

Currently there are different specializations in Digital Marketing that can provide you with knowledge about this discipline , as well as different courses of very good quality in which you can deepen your knowledge.

Some examples of online education platforms to study this branch of digital marketing are:

  • space
  • Hootsuite
  • Iebschool
  • Coursera

Among others.

In addition, it will be necessary to have knowledge of tools such as:

  • Buffer 
  • Hootsuite 
  • Sprout Social  
  • Agorapulse
  • Loomly

And maintain the context of the Marketing CRM piloted by another of your colleagues in the area, even if its administration is not direct.

However, one of the main characteristics of being successful in the role of Social Media Manager is being able to learn every day on your own, that is, autonomously. Especially since in the world of online marketing every day there are new concepts and tools that can maximize your functions.

This does not mean that anyone, without real knowledge, can be appointed to this role , since it is likely that its results will not be as expected. So, reading this blog is a great advance if you want to work today or in the future as a Social Media Manager.

What are the most outstanding functions of the Social Media Manager?

When we refer to the functions of this role, we can probably understate them in describing them. 

But stop! That does not mean that it is impossible to describe it or to become it. Of course not. Only, you are going to find yourself with a challenge that can project your professional life to another level.

Do you like the idea? These are some of its most important functions:

1. Creation and analysis of the strategy. 

Creating a strategy requires experience, fundamentals based on real metrics and theoretical knowledge, of course. But it also requires taking a risk, since social networks are very dynamic and their algorithms continually allow us to identify that, even if it is the same social network, each brand must have its own strategy to gain online reputation.

Simply put, social media doesn't work the same for everyone. In such a way that if what was planned is not working, you must have a plan b, a plan c and even a plan d.

2. Activate the art of delegating and supervising the processes that lead to the development of a strategy.  

It is impossible to do everything! For this reason, your work team is vital to your reach. But not only that, the supervision that this role carries out through his experience and knowledge will guide his team to go beyond what is expected.

3. Evaluation of the market and/or target audience. 

Who better to define the right thing for a strategy than its very creator? That is why this role must continually evaluate and define which audience it wants to reach.

4. Analyze KPI's. 

As they say out there: "what is not measured, does not exist". Measuring the development of your team and the strategy with previously established indicators is key to your continuous improvement.

3 Special Skills that a Social Media Manager Must Have

Whenever we describe an important role, we think about: "what must your professional profile have to carry out your functions?" And although our goal is not to detract from this part or take everything for granted, in this part we want to talk to you about some soft skills that a Social Media Manager must have , those that are going to be verified only in the execution of their activities.

1. Assertive communication! 

Although it may seem curious, sometimes we can know a lot about social networks and just stay there, that is, knowledge. This role requires a person who can communicate with each of his team members effectively.

Your results will always depend on this. In addition, it can be a benefit to always keep the good vibes.

2. Discipline and perseverance! 

Like everything in life, that which is worked with discipline and perseverance, sooner than later obtains its fruits.

3. Think outside the box! 

Your imagination should always be active, yes, with your feet on the ground, as there will always be spaces where your creative capacity and analytical skills will allow you to go one step further.

And well, this is where we have come today.

The Social Media Manager is a lovely role. If you are one of those looking for continued growth, this is an area you should continue to explore. It will always demand you to learn new concepts, discover new tools, and let your creativity fly.

Have you been motivated to learn and be a Social Media Manager? Let us know what you think on Instagram , and get ready, because this is just the beginning.

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