15 Tools to create landing pages and spread them

Writer RajuBhai

Make a difference and create an impact landing page to attract potential customers to your business and make the conversion you want.

Here we tell you how you can structure, design and get the most out of landing pages. Do not get entangled, follow our advice and take your brand to another level.

To achieve this, in this blog we share 15 tools to create innovative and effective landing pages:

  • 3 tools to design
  • 3 tools to create simple and direct titles
  • 3 tools for image and UX design
  • 2 tools to perform A/B Test
  • 2 measuring tools

This is just getting started, get your agenda ready and take note of each recommendation so you can learn how to get great results when creating landing pages.

How do you design a landing page?

Let's remember that the main function of a landing page is to generate leads and conversions through specific actions , therefore, the pages must have precise information and few link elements.

Now, let's get to work!

The visual design must be attractive and innovative capable of awakening the curiosity of users. But beyond choosing the color palette, typography, photographs and other graphic resources, you must carefully and strategically structure the information.

Let's start by completing this to-do list . At a quick glance they may seem like a lot, but they are keys to marking the path of your landing page so that it is effective:

🚩Define a goal, yes, just one.

🚩Identify the user profile and create the Buyer persona or target audience file.

🚩Build a concrete, clear and precise information architecture.

🚩Write short and striking texts.

🚩Create a visual map: how you want the landing page to look like.

🚩Focus the call to action.

🚩Generate creative content (images, videos, gifs).

🚩Choose a short and easy-to-read url.

With clear information and a visual map of the landing page, you can move on to design. You don't need to be super pro in programming and graphic design.

💡In this Blog you will find more incredible ideas: How to make a Landing Page? 10 definitive steps

(Video Workshop) How to create irresistible Landing Pages with ChatGPT

Put frustration aside! Now you can sell more, maximizing the power of AI in the creation of Landing Pages.

How to spread a landing page?

It is time to plan on which channels you will show your landing page to capture looks , clicks and attract potential customers. To help you in this task, we recommend 7 means that you can use:  

📣 Google Ads.

📣 Meta Ads.

📣Social networks.

📣Blogs that link directly to your landing page.

📣SEO strategies (search engine positioning).

📣E-mail campaigns.

📣Automatic broadcast messages on WhatsApp.

It is always good to observe and learn from success stories, so follow these ðŸ’¡20 Landing Page Examples to generate leads with a conversion rate of more than 40% .

Where can you create a landing page? 3 Key tools :

Without further ado, let's review 3 tools to create a truly effective landing page:

1️⃣ Elementor (CMS WordPress)

Our first recommendation comes from Israel. The platform allows WordPress users to create and edit websites with a visual drag and drop editor that allows very responsive dragging and adding elements very easily.

Surely you are wondering: if it is so practical and easy to use, how much will it cost?

Like most tools, it has a free and paid version. In its free version you have access to more than 30 templates and it even allows you to create custom designs. 

2️⃣ Divi (CMS WordPress)

Divi has one of the most practical and easy to use templates. It is exclusively for the WordPress content manager, you do not need to convert any content to HTML, since the template allows you to add and remove any graphic or textual input.

3️⃣ RD Station Marketing (CRM de Marketing)

We know that you need to generate more traffic, leads, sales and increase your relationships with a great landing page. You will achieve all this using the preferred tool for SMEs in Latam , which offers you the necessary structure to automate all your digital marketing actions in one place.

With our tool you have the freedom to choose your design, to facilitate your search. The templates are grouped into: lead generation, thank you and recommended. All designs are editable, don't think twice, start your free trial here.

In this video we explain the step by step to create a landing page with RD Station Marleting:

Tools to create simple and direct titles

Once you have chosen the design and the tool where you will create the landing page, it is time to think about the textual content, remember that the messages must be direct, clear, but, above all, creative. Marketers and marketers to try these tools and streamline this process:


It is a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence so that users can solve doubts on various topics for free, translate into various languages ​​and generate texts in different communication tones and for various channels.

On the market it is considered one of the most advanced language models.

(Video Workshop) How to create irresistible Landing Pages with ChatGPT

Put frustration aside! Now you can sell more, maximizing the power of AI in the creation of Landing Pages.

2️⃣ Knight

The tool helps you create ideas and structures for blogs, ads for social networks, expand and rewrite texts. This system has the ability to write emails, SEO titles, slogans, product and service descriptions, even customer reviews, in total it has 20 use cases.

3️⃣ Copy.ai

This text generator automates the writing process and helps speed up the work of an SEO. Among its most outstanding features, it allows you to load the existing website, in this case your landing page, and use it as a reference to create new textual content.

Tools for designing images and UX (user experience) of Landing Pages

Come on, don't give up! There is little left to have an effective conversion page.

We have reached the essential point of visual design. There are several elements that you must take into account, for this reason we remind you of design tips for perfect landing pages.

It's time to apply the recommendations, so check out these tools to take your ideas into the digital world.

1️⃣ Canva

The advantages of using this tool is that it has designed templates that you can customize, it has a wide library of vectors and images, and you have the option of working online with your work team.

2️⃣ Sketch App Sources

This program is oriented to web design so it allows you to create innovative user experiences because it allows you to plan and visualize the structure and design of the site, that may sound complex, but it is a very intuitive tool, if you plan to use it keep in mind that it is a Mac native tool.

3️⃣ Dribble.com

If you want the design of your landing page to be much more exclusive, in this digital community you will find the portfolio of graphic and creative artists who work freelance on visual projects for UX/UI design.

Tools for A/B Testing

Let the moment of effectiveness begin. To experiment which variable can generate the best performance for your landing page, we suggest two successful tools:

1️⃣ Google optimize

It is very popular among marketers because it allows for a practical and free way to analyze variables and monitor their results.

With this data, the tool will indicate which option will offer you the best results. For example: what content works best, what custom experiences you could apply, what versions of your landing page work best for your audience.

2️⃣ RD Station Marketing

It will help you optimize your website to match the desired conversion rate. It will give you a real feedback from the market, you will be able to test the channels that the user uses, and review several. RD Station differs from the other tools you find on the web, because it is a complete Digital Marketing platform and has A/B beta testing functionality for Landing pages and Email Marketing.

Results measurement tools

To close, what is not measured is useless. So reviewing the results is key to knowing if you are on the right track or if you should redirect your landing page. A lot of attention, we leave you two practical tools to know your metrics and make decisions on time.

1️⃣ GI Analytics 4

This new measurement system will give you more concrete data with more anonymous analytics, it will analyze the customer journey on different platforms and devices, and it will offer you a more harmonious integration with Google advertising platforms to optimize the return on investment.

2️⃣ RD Station Marketing

Sometimes making the metrics visible is a bit tedious, but in RD Station Marketing you will find templates to easily see the indicators of your business and with graphs you will be able to compare the progress and result of each action you achieve with the landing page.

We know you want more details, that's why we recommend this article: How to understand your website traffic and promote Landing Pages to generate the first results

To go…

Take a risk and become the most expert, creative and practical person in landing page creation, put into practice the 15 recommended tools and surprise your marketing team and your clients.

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