Content for social networks: how to create posts that really generate engagement

Writer Raju Bhai

Content is the essence of social media marketing. It's no use creating a profile and not posting anything, but you can't post anything either. Creating content for social media requires strategy and planning to motivate and earn the trust of followers.

People will only follow your brand if you talk about topics that are interesting, generate connection, and add value. Therefore, Content Marketing must go hand in hand with social media strategies.

In this post, we will show you the 5 steps necessary for your business to consistently produce content for social media. This way, the chances of getting better results with your posts are greatly increased! Continue reading the post for more information.

how to create posts that really generate engagement

How to plan content for social networks

Entering a social network for superficial reasons, such as the presence of other people and/or brands on the platform, can be a shot in the foot. Social networks , as well as any communication channel, have their objectives. Each one will provide a different user experience. This can directly affect your brand's performance and goals on these networks. 

The questions you should ask yourself are: 

  • What do I hope to achieve by acting in this network? 
  • How will my brand's presence on this social network help me achieve my marketing goals?

Based on the answers to these questions, it is possible to create a content plan, which should begin by developing an analytical vision of the relevance of the social network for your strategy. That is, understanding how social networks can contribute to your objectives, how your brand should act in each channel and what results you need to achieve.

From this analysis and strategic vision, the production of content for social networks can be specifically identified. You need to understand your audience, think about what they would like to see in your posts, analyze how to drive engagement and stand out from the competition.

It also analyzes the characteristics of each social network and the formats they present. In this way, you can produce more relevant content for each of them. Lastly, it's important to understand your team's ability to produce content. 

By having this information, you will be able to establish a calendar that makes sense for your work routine, ensuring the frequency of publications. Plus, you can get a broader perspective on what tools you'll need to perform all your tasks and better manage your team. 

Now, we are going to dig into these content planning points so that you can create a powerful strategy in your social networks.

1. Define the Buyer Persona

Do you know who you talk to on social media? Who is your content being created for? Ok, you can get an idea of ​​your brand's target audience , but something even more interesting is profiling your buyer persona .

The buyer persona is the description of a semi-fictional character that represents the ideal client of your company. This description brings the needs, problems, doubts, interests and behaviors of this character.

The construction of the persona must be based on real data about the clients, collected in questionnaires, interviews and notes. To be as accurate as possible, you can create a profile based on archetypes, which represent personality traits of people, based on patterns of human behavior.

The content that you create has to be the answer to the questions and problems found in the construction of the buyer persona. Behaviors and interests must be taken into account to establish language, identity and, finally, the way of communicating. 

2. Set Social Media Marketing Goals

 Defining the objectives of the marketing strategy in social networks is what guides your decisions and determines which path you must follow to achieve them.

The objectives of marketing in social networks can be:

  • Increase brand recognition.
  • Gain more engagement.
  • Achieve more sales.
  • Generate more leads.
  • Generate more direct traffic to the site.

In this way, you will have more information to determine the actions and create the contents to achieve those objectives. It is also important to establish the objectives —quantifiable and measurable— of the social networks, as well as the indicators that you will monitor to know if the strategy is on the right track.

3. Now think about the production of content for each social network

When doing social media planning, many brands want to get into every possible platform to reach more people. Only few can perform consistently and relevantly across all channels. And to keep up, they end up replicating the same content on different social networks.

However, each social network has its audience, its language, its rhythm, its formats. LinkedIn, for example, focuses on professional connections, while TikTok has fun, informal language. Therefore, you need to know the characteristics of each social network to know if your persona is there and if the platform will help you meet your marketing goals. 

Your brand doesn't have to be on every platform, okay? So, once you have chosen the main social networks for your brand, identify the type of content and language that attracts the audience on this channel. 

4. Prioritize the consistency and frequency of posts

The success of social media posts depends not only on your content, but also on choosing an appropriate frequency and consequently building a constancy of posts. Consistency means assistance: it is necessary to keep the profile always active on social networks so as not to lose the relevance of the profile, the interest and the commitment of the followers. 

On the other hand, frequency means the time interval between posts. You must define an appropriate frequency for the profile of your buyer persona, the social network and the production capacity of your team. There is no rule about a better posting frequency. The ideal is to test your audience and understand how often your followers respond best to posts.

5. Keep a posting calendar and track results

In this way, you will guarantee consistency and frequency, something necessary for your team to be able to organize itself. Having a publication calendar is ideal for this, since it offers an overview of the publications planned for the period, as well as the activities involved (production, revision, programming, etc.).

When scheduling the post, you can use tools like Hootsuite or CoSchedule , which leave everything scheduled so as not to forget any publication. On the other hand, the calendar and schedule should not freeze the strategy.

Social media is a dynamic activity and content relevance can change overnight. Therefore, if a topic appears prominently, you should have the flexibility to insert it into your posts. For this, it is also important to monitor the results of the publications, extract information for the next content and keep an eye on the topics that are on the rise. 

 Effective Tips for Boosting Your Online Presence: Learn  Here

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