Twitter Analytics: how to use this tool and analyze the statistics of a profile

Writer RajuBhai

Twitter Analytics is a tool that allows you to obtain important information to create satisfactory content on that social network. With the data delivered, you can focus on the performance of your tweets, obtaining important insights to improve your Marketing strategies.

Do you know how the Twitter Analytics tool can help your business stand out on this channel and also get some important insights about your audience?

Like any Digital Marketing channel , it is not enough to only promote, it is also necessary to measure the data to understand the results of the operation.

On Twitter it is no different. And we will talk about this in this post.

This social network was very popular in Brazil at the time of its launch. Although since 2013, the number of users has decreased according to the Statista website.

According to the 2016 Content Trends research, the microblogging website has lost approval from companies, which translated into a drop from 2nd to 5th place in the ranking of the most used social networks by businesses Among users in general, it is the 8th most used social network in Brazil.

Despite this loss of active users, Twitter continues to be a good option for companies that want to generate qualified traffic and Leads, as well as interact directly with the public. You can get more details in the post 7 reasons why it is still worth using Twitter as a marketing tool.

Do you need help to establish a strategy for your company and learn how to generate results with social networks? Don't forget to download our free eBook “The Definitive Guide to Social Networks”.

eBook: The Definitive Guide to Social Media

Learn how to plan, produce content and generate leads and sales with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and other networks to generate concrete results in your business

Twitter Analytics: what is it and what is it for?

Twitter Analytics is the free tool that Twitter has made available for analysis. As in any other Digital Marketing channel, when you publish content or campaigns on Twitter, you will need to analyze the results in order to measure whether the investment is worth it.

The actions of your company and your followers that are measured by Twitter form a rich database. You can use it to have insights that allow you to understand your audience and focus your strategy.

By using the Twitter Analytics tools, you will be able to understand what is working, what is not working and how to best take advantage of this social network for your business.

Basically, we can summarize the benefits of an analysis in 5 points:

  1. Know your audience better
  2. Understand what type of content your audience likes
  3. Discover the best posting times
  4. Analyze if the ads are giving results
  5. Now that we have already talked about Twitter and why an analysis is necessary in this social network, it is time that we talk about the indicators.

What indicators does Twitter Analytics show us?

Like any other channel, Twitter has many indicators. It is necessary to understand what they are and determine which ones will really be relevant in an analysis.

Some of the main indicators that Twitter Analytics shows us are:

Home Page Indicators

  • Tweet: total number of posts your profile has published on Twitter;
  • Impressions: how many times your tweets have been viewed by users;
  • Profile visits: how many visits your profile has had in the last month;
  • Mentions: how many times your profile was mentioned by Twitter users;
  • Followers: how many followers do you have and how many new followers have you gotten on your profile in the last month;
  • Featured Tweet: the comment that has gotten the most impressions in a given month;
  • Featured Mention: The comment from another Twitter user with the most impressions mentioning your username;
  • Top Follower: Your follower with the most number of followers. This data shows a potential influencer and ally for your business.

bookmarks per tweet

  • Impressions: number of times users have viewed your tweet;
  • Interest: Total number of times a user interacted with the tweet. This includes all clicks anywhere on the tweet (such as hashtags, links, avatar, username, and tweet expansion), retweets, replies, followers, and favorites;
  • Engagement Rate: Interest value (clicks, retweets, replies, followers, and favorites) divided by the total number of impressions;
  • Link Clicks: number of times people clicked on the link shared next to the tweet;
  • Retweets: number of times people shared (or, according to the social network's own vocabulary, retweeted) the tweet;
  • Favorites: Number of times people have favorited (or the equivalent of likes) the tweet.

Twitter Analytics: overview of the analytics dashboard

To carry out the first analysis, you can enter the address or click on the icon of your profile, at the top of the page and then on statistics.

Home page

This is the overview of your Twitter report, where you will find the detailed statistics that have been collected during all months.

Also, this part is a kind of “gallery of your best hits”. In this tab, Twitter highlights your top performing tweets and shows who influences your network.

Here you can find quite extensive data such as:

  • Tweets
  • tweet impressions
  • Profile visits
  • mentions
  • followers


In this tab you will find a general graph of how many impressions the tweets have had in the last 28 days (or on another date that you want to choose). The blue bar shows the impressions and the gray bar the number of tweets.

On the right side, you will find a summary with an average of how many impressions your profile had per day. It is a very interesting fact to analyze in a general way to know the situation of the scope of your profile.

Below, in the tweet activity panel, you will find more details such as impression data, interest and participation rate of all tweets published on the predefined date. The tabs are:

  • Tweet
  • featured tweets
  • tweets and replies
  • promoted

In the lower right corner there is another section that shows the data of interest. In this part, you will be able to see the participation rate and daily averages of clicks on the link, retweets, favorites and responses.

Export Twitter Analytics data

You will also be able to export Twitter Analytics data to a CSV file.

When you open this data in Excel or Google Sheets, you will be able to cross-reference information and add more specific details to the data you need.

To do this, click Export, located at the top right of the dashboard.

A CSV file will automatically be downloaded to your computer.


The Audience Data panel contains important information about the people who follow you on Twitter. You'll be able to track the growth (or decline) of your followers over time, as well as learn more about their interests and demographics.

In the audience tab you can also make comparisons with a specific audience and the total audience of Twitter.

Some data that the panel offers in more detail are:

  • Demographics: gender, language, age, country, region;
  • Lifestyle: interest, TV genres;
  • Data on the use of mobile devices: network operator, device categories.


In this tab you can find which are the holidays, movies, sports and events in general that are being discussed on Twitter.

It is an interesting panorama that can give you good insights to create content and campaigns related to these events.

The overview: When you click on the event, a new window will appear showing you information such as gender, age, main countries and devices of the users who are talking about the selected event.


In the “More” tab, there are some extra reports that you can use within Twitter:

  • Videos: similar to the “tweets” report, but focused only on the published videos;
  • Application manager: here you can create mobile application promotions.
  • Conversion tracking: here you can install a universal website tag to track conversions on your website in detail. Twitter itself offers a tutorial to create and install the tag.

Analyze Twitter traffic and conversions in Google Analytics and in RD Station

Twitter Analytics offers a lot of important data so you can understand your audience.

However, if you use Twitter to generate traffic and leads , it's important to combine these analytics with other tools to get a broader view of how your strategy is performing.

At this point, we will talk about how to track this data with two tools: Google Analytics and RD Station.

En Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides in-depth analysis of all the traffic generated through Twitter.

The simplest way to check this data is in the Acquisition tab. In it, you will be able to see all the channels that generate traffic for your website, including the social channel.

Click Social to get more details about the data and see the traffic for each social network separately. Look up Twitter and see how much traffic via Twitter your website has received.

To find even more details about this, search by secondary dimension and type Landing page in search.

This will show you which pages they accessed through a link on Twitter.

Do you want to learn how to make the initial configurations of Google Analytics? Read the post  Google Analytics: what it is and how to do the initial configuration .

In RD Station

RD Station tracks conversions that originated through tweets scheduled by the tool.

This works in the following way: each time a tweet is shared through RD Sation, a parameter is inserted in all the links shared in that tweet. This parameter is rdst_srcid (rd station source id). This does not change anything on your page, its function is only to monitor traffic.

With this you can see the following results on the Publication Results screen:

  • favorites
  • Retweets
  • conversions

In addition to counting conversions per post on the results screen of the Posts on Social Networks function , it is also possible to check the source of the conversion in the Lead's Activities, as shown in the following example:

Despite having suffered a loss of audience, Twitter remains an important channel for generating business. In this way, it is worth analyzing the data coming from this channel and understanding what impact the social network has on your Digital Marketing strategy.

Finally, we ask you: does your company use Twitter as a marketing tool? You can leave us your comment below!

And so that you don't stop learning, don't forget to download our free eBook "The Definitive Guide to Social Networks" , a guide on how to establish a strategy for your company and learn how to generate results with social networks.

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