What is Lead Magnet in Digital Marketing? 5 Examples to use this concept

Writer RajuBhai

At some point in our marketing or business journey, we want to position the brand in the best possible way... to gain a reputation ... right?

But in reality we don't have the clarity of how to do it. (Calm down, it usually happens).

Have you heard of the term lead magnet in marketing?... Or, have you ever been told about offering free educational material in exchange for users giving you their data?

That's what we want to talk about today. From the term that became very common in Marketing Teams. 

So make yourself a coffee ☕(or your favorite drink), prepare your notebook and stay here to give you everything you need to know about lead magnets. 

Let's go!🤙

What is a lead magnet?

The meaning of lead magnet in Spanish is: “magnet of leads” . It is then about the generation of hooks for the attraction of your buyer person, with the objective that, according to their shopping journey , they become a new client. 

It is then a free content of valuable and key information that is offered to the Internet user in exchange for their personal data.  

Most of the time with this type of content, companies request personal data from the user (email, contact telephone number, name) and qualification data such as position, sector or number of employees. By leaving this information, the interested party will be able to download or enter the content... which makes them a lead. 

In itself, the purpose of this concept is to attract potential customers through free value content. A primary format of the Inbound Marketing application. 

To understand it better, we will give you an example from everyday life.

When you enter a supermarket or a chain store you can see that in each aisle there are spaces for free tasting of products... remember? 

Well, you come to try because they attract your attention. Then you decide if you liked it and make the decision to take it home. Exactly the same thing happens with a lead magnet!

What is a lead magnet in Inbound Marketing?

Remember that this concept, as I mentioned above, is part of the Inbound Marketing methodology , where its logic is for the lead to go through all the phases of the conversion funnel until they become a potential customer.

Lead magnets in inbound marketing are the best way to position your brand with content. In addition, it is a magnet of attraction that solves the needs of people as soon as possible.

Its function in a marketing strategy is to turn the Internet user into a qualified lead , who will go through all the phases of the conversion funnel. 

In Inbound Marketing, the functionality of the leads magnet is to know if the user is in the pain stage (upper part of the funnel), to solve the problem (middle part of the funnel) or to verify the advantages and disadvantages of your product or service (bottom of the funnel).

The process can be a whole generation machine, so countless leads can arrive daily in your database. Here the main thing is to work on these prospects and qualify as quickly as possible . 

That is, verify if: "they serve me", "they are welcome!" or "they don't work for me", "bye!".

Advantages and benefits of using lead magnet

Today, marketing and sales leaders want to ascertain whether or not each technique, methodology, or strategy works as planned.

So the most appropriate thing is to know the advantages and benefits that can help you in the process.

Here we deliver them to you:


  • Maintain a relationship with the audience and accompany them throughout the purchase journey
  • Increase website traffic 
  • Communicate directly with users to move them from viewers to customers 
  • Increase the number of leads entering the conversion funnel 


  • You will have a consolidated and powerful database  
  • You can use this format in any type of business 
  • You will make a difference with the competition 
  • Your user acquisition process will be low cost 

And now…? Learn how to transform your leads into customers , start!

How to create a lead magnet

Let's see this checklist of how you should create and implement a lead magnet for the generation of qualified leads in your Company.

It can be divided into 6 steps and the order of these does greatly influence the result: let's see!

Mega Guide to create a Lead Magnet

✅Know as much as you can about your buyer persona 

✅Define the format and type of content that you are going to broadcast (content map)

✅Create a landing page and a form to promote it 

✅Decide if the dissemination of the content will be organic or paid 

✅Design a thank you page (TYP) for the next action

✅Analyze the results 

Take note and start!

Once this is done, your plan will be almost ready to start and work strategically, sending the right prospects to the sales area to become customers. 

Do not forget to use a sales CRM to guarantee and manage the attention process of these leads , as in RD Station we have this tool available for you to use. 

We already showed you how to create it, now let's review a top 5 lead magnet examples that you can use. 

The magic of creating these lead magnets is that you activate your level of creativity and resourcefulness, you will have fun doing it, believe me!

5 Examples of lead magnets: how and when to use them?

There is a long list of examples and types of lead magnets, but in this top 5 we will explain the most crack for your business. 

1️⃣ infographics 

🧩What is it?

A graphic representation with relevant information that will help the audience understand more about what your service or product is about. It is very easy to visualize and consume. Example:

🧩How to use it? 

You can create them in the articles of a blog as graphic support and then create a pack or information package with the best ones.

You do not require so many elements to create them. There are even different templates to make them.

🧩Where to use them? 

Incorporate this graphic piece into personalized articles and emails to engage your audience with the information they are receiving.

Then push them to a repository for delivery.  

2️⃣ Contest 

🧩What is it? 

A striking activity in which you can offer a discount or promotion so that Internet users leave their information in exchange for that benefit. 

🧩How to use it? 

You can do it for a launch of a new product or service.

It will be a good option for them to enter the first phase of the conversion funnel. 

🧩Where to use it?

Do not always use them, since users will get used to this method. You can use it in social network ads, where users can leave their comments or reactions in order to generate more interaction that will ultimately benefit you. 

3️⃣ Ebooks

🧩What are they? 

Written content on a topic of interest that will make life easier for users who visit your website. You can condense all the information you have in this e-book . Example:

🧩How to use it? 

You can include it in a Pop-Up in the banner of your website with a call to action and an attractive text. 

🧩Where to use it? 

Social networks or web pages with the highest traffic will be an excellent channel to offer this type of lead magnet. However, keep in mind that the downloadable ebooks will arrive at the addresses of the emails that users have previously left. 

4️⃣ Templates 

🧩What are they? 

They are editable resources for users interested in solving part of their need through formats that save time or solve their daily tasks or processes. Example:

(Template) Step-by-Step Marketing Automation 2023

Communicating with your Leads and qualifying them in a massive, agile and large-scale way will no longer be a dream... it will be your reality!

🧩How to use them?


Through personalized formulas, presentations and easily accessible calendars. 

🧩Where to use them? 

Landing pages are the right way to incorporate these templates, and you can also use them in email marketing campaigns. 

5️⃣ Success stories – testimonials 

🧩What are they? 

They are audiovisual products or a collection of positive comments through a video to show your target audience what you have done with your potential customers, how far you have taken them. Example:

🧩How to use them? 

The appropriate distribution channels for this type of lead magnet are social networks and email marketing, as they are easily accessible media. 

🧩Where to use them? 

You can do it on your YouTube channel, to build security and to let others see that they can also find what they are looking for.

A suggestion: 

You must know which is the right lead magnet for your business. But how?…

Well... you can do an analysis of the competition or benchmarks in your industry and find out what type of content is being produced. 

Be clear about the type of content your buyer person consumes. You have to look for a type of lead magnet that suits your business.

If you want to know more examples of leads, visit the Lead Generation blog: steps to obtain them .

These are only 5 lead magnet ideas, but there are countless that you can have in your plan. Just take the initiative and start creating. 

Learn more with the Lead Qualification👇 ebook and implement it in your business😉

(Ebook) Qualification of Leads

Learn what the qualification of Leads or prospects consists of and how to put it into practice

Mistakes to avoid when creating a lead magnet

It is normal that during the process you make mistakes , for this reason, we share with you the most common errors that you may not have known about so that you can avoid reprocessing in your plan:

🚫 Offer something common and not very credible 

If you have already decided to create content, you must do it with quality, know if your buyer persona is interested. 

🚫Not segmenting according to your target audience

Of course we want to address the entire audience possible, but wait 🖐️, you must segment and know the profile of your buyer person in detail. 

🚫 Make filler content 

Don't give your audience empty, crude material in 30 pages or a 30 minute video, offer them something meaty and easy to understand👌 👌 

🚫be realistic

What do I mean? Because there are millions of brands and companies looking for the same thing as you: qualified customers. 

You must do something unique, differential, in which they can choose you among millions of companies that sell the same as your brand. 

To close this topic, it is worth doing the exercise and taking a risk. Emphasize what you want to achieve with the acquisition of potential customers. 

Until next time!

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