Lead generation: what it is, how to start and 10 examples of irresistible lures

Writer RajuBhai

For you who are passionate about the digital world and learn more about this multifaceted universe every day , I invite you to learn about lead generation and 10 examples of lures that will help you assess the importance of this mechanism. 

Knowing the functionality of this process will be the beginning of a successful business and that is the objective of this content, to achieve this goal. 

For marketing professionals and leaders, the main thing is to generate demand for their products or services, that is, attract new business opportunities, but how can we do it?

Next, I'll tell you.

Let's go!🤙

What is lead generation?

It is a process carried out by the marketing team that involves capturing and stimulating the interest of visitors and converting them into potential customers. 

What we want with this concept is to expand the database with the contacts or people attracted by the services or products of your brand on a website or an online channel. 

Most of the time the prospect needs an incentive to continue on the buying journey, which is why it is so obvious to see forms to collect useful information from that audience.

The main purpose of lead generation is to route potential customers through all stages of the conversion funnel until they are converted into qualified leads and build a strong and successful database.

What is a lead strategy?

This generation is presented within the Inbound marketing methodology , allowing users to become valuable contacts to direct them through the final stage of the conversion funnel. 

Some actions that can work for you to generate leads are: email marketing, advertising on social networks, SEM through ads on Google Ads, among others. 

Implementing a lead strategy will mark a before and after in the actions of the marketing plan.

They are the basis of any digital marketing plan.

How to do lead generation?

All theory must be put into practice, so we decided to share this ABCD with you so that you can generate effective leads.

Many wonder what is the main objective of Digital Marketing and why it is important in companies. Well, its main objective is to generate demand for your company's products and services, in other words, it is to attract business opportunities through your digital or online channels .

To begin, it is important that you know that in addition to having a website, your business needs to generate different types of content that you already have and that are at your fingertips, to convert these visitors to your website into potential customers (Leads). and begin to generate a proximity and a long-term relationship.

This is why a first tip that I want to give you is: “it is not enough to just have a contact us form on your website to make this a reality”.

For example, you can see that we at RD Station have generated hundreds of contents in different formats, thinking about the needs of our clients.

Meet here our page of free materials on Digital Marketing.

Step by step to generate leads

A: Design a Landing Page to attract the audience.
B: Create content or a value offer for your audience.
C: Create a call to action CTA.
D: Prepare and configure the registration form on your Landing Page.

With this clear, you can meet the goal of generating leads easily and without the need for a large investment.

(Ebook) Qualification of Leads

Learn what the qualification of Leads or prospects consists of and how to put it into practice

10 Examples of Lead Generation Lures

I am going to summarize all the learning we have had about  types of content that work excellent as lures to generate potential Clients or Leads.

lures? Yes, it is a marketing term that is focused on persuading people to get more leads or sales. 

The human eye needs to compare a content or service offer with another , in order to make the contact or purchase decision.

For lead generation, let's see 10 examples of lures that you can have on your radar:

🎣#1. Generation of Leads with Social Networks

One of the most used lures is that of social networks , specifically in stories. At RD Station we use this method when posting ads with free materials to download on our Instagram profile. This is an example:

🎣#2. Lead Generation with Landing Pages

The importance of landing pages to capture leads has become so essential in the marketing and SEO strategy that most companies are implementing it.

An example that stands out in this type of lure is Trello, the project management software that makes visible access to users from any account on its landing page to start using:

🎣#3. Ebooks

Downloading free material, such as an electronic book, is one of the most classic tools to attract users through valuable content, deepening a main topic. 

At RD Station this is one of the formats we use the most since it adapts very well to any topic, we have already published more than 100 electronic books.

One of the advantages you have when using an eBook in your digital strategy is that it helps you delve into a certain topic and explore it on a much broader level than when you make a blog post.

So you may be wondering... How can I delve into a topic that is of interest to my target audience? One of our tips is to split the eBook into several posts, then put them together and diagram them in the format of the material.

In addition, an eBook can be well done through Co-Marketing with another company, since in this way the efforts and tasks are divided, opening the possibility of writing more complete content.

I am sharing some of our eBooks that we have made ourselves or in Co-Marketing so that you can see some examples of how here at RD Station we make eBooks that generate value for our potential customers or Leads:

  • eBook: 31 Types of Content to Produce on Your Blog
  • eBook: Study of Content Marketing in Latin America and Spain
  • eBook: How to use WhatsApp in Digital Marketing Strategies

Another example is the company AIMPLAS (Instituto Tecnológico de Plástico) in Spain, where it offers its visitors to download allusive material on environmental issues: 

🎣#4. Webinars

This audiovisual format is a hit when it attracts an audience, it has a personal touch; This type of lure is preferred by educational companies. 

Semrush, the SEO software platform , is one of the most striking examples, not only imparting knowledge about trending topics at these online events , but also convincing users to get their services:

🎣#5. Lead Generation with Email Marketing

Despite the years, email is one of the most recurring and effective channels to communicate with customers. In addition, it is a very effective lure to keep in touch with that client who has already registered their data.

Here we mention the example of Cabify, a Spanish company, which through its mobile application provides the transport service.

The user, upon subscribing, receives personalized emails with offers and promotions to continue the registration process as a customer.

🎣#6. Newsletter

This informative bulletin keeps the user up to date on the trends and offers of the business , for example, the Carolina Herrera brand, which through the subscription to its newsletter gives the visitor a 10% discount on their first order, generating a significant interest

🎣#7. Toolkits

You will be able to convince the audience to leave their data through a package of materials and resources , and in return you will give them the solution to their needs. 

This model is low-process because all the material you have on the subject to talk about is collected. 

An example of this format is our Free Materials in Kit format, which through a set of resources on a specific topic, we offer the audience important and unique content.

28 tips to boost your website on Google

Discover 28 golden tips to take the SEO of your website to the next level and gain positions in search engines

🎣#8. Tools

The tools go a little further than the templates, since these will help your potential clients to solve deeper problems that a template could not solve.

The tools can be part of a solution for your needs or they can be part of something new that you did not have but that makes your work easier. In case of supporting your strategies or being part of a solution, they will allow you to advance that Lead in the purchase process, getting much closer to the purchase stage.

So you may be wondering... How do I do this? a perfect example that can answer your question is the Digital Marketing Funnel . This tool allows you to understand what potential customers could best explore in your marketing and find those bottlenecks during the stages of your company's marketing funnel.

To generate this type of tools, you usually need a programmer. For technology companies, for example, it is easier to have this type of resource within the organization, but don't worry, having a freelance programmer to generate your tools is also possible. Just make sure of the issue of security and intellectual property.

Why is it important that you generate tools in your business? On the one hand, they are difficult to be copied and regardless of the segment where your business is located, it is a good way to differentiate yourself from the competition, giving your customers something of value to your customers that other competitors can hardly imitate.

Here are some examples of tools we use at RD Station:

  • people builder
  • Purchase Process Builder
  • Marketing and Sales Diagnosis

🎣#9. free trials

Offer visitors a free version of the services that the company has in order to convince them to make the purchase.

The majority of brands that use this lure to capture new leads are entertainment platforms such as: Netflix, Amazon, HBO Max, Prime video, etc.

It is important to determine what content is effective and what is not to reinforce the creation processes.

If you realize, these contents are the starting point to generate the qualified leads that we want so much.  

(Ebook) Qualification of Leads

Learn what the qualification of Leads or prospects consists of and how to put it into practice

Keep reading to clarify your doubts!🤓

🎣#10. Courses

Have you already thought about creating a series of contents and concentrating them all on a Landing Page?…

If you still did not have it in mind, I will tell you that it is a good way to generate Leads since offers of this type are quite interesting and generate value for your potential client.

Several companies have already used this format, such as videos or email courses .

This is another pretty good content format for both Leads and the company itself.

Because? It is very simple, for Leads it is much more useful since they will receive the contents in an order that makes it easier for them to learn.

On the other hand, it is interesting for companies since it allows them to analyze how interested Leads are and how related they are to the content. They can also know which Leads, for example, are advancing in the funnel and which Leads give up along the way.

Creating courses via email is very simple, the most important thing is to create all the content and plan a logical sequence that makes sense to the potential client. Once we have this, we only need to create a marketing automation flow, so that Leads or potential customers receive the emails in this order. 

Leads in B2C businesses

For B2C (Business to Consumer-Business to Consumer) businesses, leads are those users who have shown an interest in what the company offers .

You have to know that the strategies to be implemented in these businesses give prominence to communication and the relationship between the brand and the audience .

Some channels to capture leads in these types of businesses are websites, social networks and advertisements.  

Some techniques that you can take into account when generating qualified leads in a B2C business are:

  • Offer discounts or promotions in exchange for the user's personal data.
  • Offer valuable and useful content to attract more traffic to the landing page and the conversion funnel. 
  • Give away free tests or tastings through contests.

In the end, identify the appropriate actions to help you generate these leads.

If you want to capture leads and convert them into customers, finish reading, what's coming is great.😉

Leads for SMEs

However, leads are vital for the success of SMEs, as there will be a greater probability of conversion, better segmentation and the generation of these potential customers may be long-term.

This method saves time in planning marketing strategies and analyzing the results. 

Let's look at the following advantages of generating leads for small and medium-sized companies:

  • Improves the efficiency of the marketing plan
  • Optimize results
  • Obtain potential and repetitive customers, thus achieving loyalty  
  • Segment marketing campaigns to offer valuable content 

Be sure to check out the free materials we have for you, this time we recommend Lead Qualification . 

More Ledas on Social Networks?

In social networks, leads can be generated organically or paid, it is your decision in which way you want to capture them. 

For example, Facebook already has a space to create ads through a profile. The purpose of this functionality is to generate new leads.

Advantages of using social media as a lead generator: 

  • Increased reach and visibility 
  • Respond to needs in real time 
  • Direct interaction with users
  • Generation of traffic to the website 
  • It is an economical option and allows you to reach a wider audience

To close…

To end this blog, we want to share the following tips, as a tip, so that you review them before starting this captivating process. 

🧲Create quality content, in order to attract traffic to your website and interest your user. Use striking and close language .

🧲Establish positioning strategies to ensure the arrival of users.

🧲Optimize forms by making sure they are easy to access on any device and have the right fields to fill out for grading.

🧲The measurement and evaluation of the results is very important, since you will be able to obtain a quantitative analysis of the visits and the qualified leads .

🧲You will not only be able to obtain valuable contacts in online channels, but also in offline ones. Like the events that offer to meet new people to collect data.

🧲Lead generation allows you to obtain clients organically through the route of your marketing plan. 

🧲It is very important to know that without leads there are no sales and without sales there are no profits.

Generating quality leads is not luck, it is knowing how to do it and implement it correctly. 

We hope this information has been very useful to you. 

Until next week!

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