8 Examples of Conversion Funnels that DO work in Marketing and Sales

Writer RajuBhai

To the "four winds" we want to dedicate this post to managers, leaders and/or marketing and sales coordinators who... want to continue in trend and make the best decisions for their companies.

As you know, the conversion funnel, whether in marketing or sales, is one of the most used methodologies to understand the user journey. Since you enter the website, until you make the purchase.

Well…, is everything ready to start?

Let's go!🤙

What the hell does funnel or conversion funnel mean?

Whenever we propose a strategy to potentiate the business, we want to use a funnel, but do you know its origin? What does it consist of? And if it suits what you are looking for.

This is the main objective of this blog. So let's see where this term comes from: conversion funnel.

Surely some companies or businesses know this model, but, on many occasions, they do not really know how to implement it.

In a general panorama, the funnel is used as a metaphor, because in each phase the users decrease, until they reach the narrow part of the funnel that would be the final and lucrative stage for the company.

The origin of this term is born under the AIDA model (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) , which in Spanish translates: Consciousness, Interest, Desire and Action ; Created by Elmo Lewis in 1898.

Possibly, you already have a sales or marketing funnel among your plans, but have you evaluated if it really worked? Did it meet the stated objective?

There are so many questions at the same time that they can overwhelm you, right?

For this reason, it is important that you take into account 2 fundamentals during a funnel: one, knowing your buyer persona and the second, having an excellent content strategy.

So… what the heck does funnel mean?🤔

According to the RAE, the funnel is a "hollow instrument, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, in the shape of a cone..."

But marketers, like you or me, the above refers to the evolutionary reduction of the user. In the upper part it will be a visitor, in the middle it will be a lead and in the narrow part it will be a qualified lead or client (as the case may be).

4 Types of embeds or conversion funnels

While reading the blog Convrsion funnel: what it is, stages, types and differences " we explained the most common types of funnel. Now, we want to give you a reference from specific areas: marketing and sales. 

Let's see!

🔥And Marketing…

SEM/SEO campaigns in marketing will be primarily responsible for attracting the target audience at the top of the funnels. The reason is the search for the right audience to go through all the phases of the funnel.

Types :

🔔 Email Marketing Funnel: used to relate to and retain users who have signed up for an email list such as a newsletter, for example. 

The phases in this type of funnel are: subscription, welcome, free high-value material, sale and retention. 

🔔 Content Marketing Funnel : By creating relevant and interesting content, you will be able to capture, retain and qualify people during their buying journey.

Before you continue, don't forget to take a free trial on our marketing automation tool to create these funnels. It will be great!🤓

You may be interested in reading >> How to make a Marketing conversion funnel in 5 phases?

🔥In sales…

The sales funnel aims to potentiate digital marketing strategies, in order to convert an audience interested in what you sell, finally coming to review the behavior of each user and if they are ready to buy.

That is, it is specifically in charge of the middle part of the conversion funnel.

We recommend using the Benchmarking tool of the sales funnel so that you can know how your competition is doing.

Types :

🔔 Online sales funnel : focuses on converting a lead into a final customer. 

The fundamental thing in this type of funnel is that you have from the beginning a base with the personal data of the audience that is entering the funnel, in order to purge those who are not interested in your list. 

🔔 B2B sales funnel: oriented to the sale of products or services to other companies. 

If you want to know how to make a sales funnel, play our video: How to make a sales funnel?

Tip: if it is required to have qualified leads, not only consider the idea of ​​capturing that traffic through organic acquisition, but also bet on paid campaigns on Facebook Ads and Google Ads. 

So far everything clear, right?

How to make a Marketing conversion funnel? 4 Examples.

Now, at this stage of the reading, we want you to connect to something more real, to see what the conversion process of a funnel is like, be it marketing or sales.

We invite you to do the exercise. 

Typically, the following customer journey is used for the conversion stages in the marketing funnel.

Let's remember what are the stages of the conversion funnel: Attraction, Awareness or Interest, Desire or Consideration, Decision or Action and Loyalty.

The goal is to know how much traffic is going through the funnel and how many are converting to sales.


🥇 space

The Latin American online education platform achieves its success using conversion funnels that interact with the user .

Platzi conversion navigation scheme

📲Social networks


💻Email marketing


🧑‍💻Platform Subscription





🥈San Roque "Sweet moments"

The traditional candy factory in Peru is a clear example of how to generate content for the initial phase of the funnel, having a clear buyer persona.

Navigation diagram of the San Roque conversion

📲Social networks




CTA (call to action) to the product line





She attracts potential customers through her blog "Sweet moments", where she shares recipes, tips for a good diet, among other topics of interest.

🥉 Colombian Cinema

An entertainment and film distribution company, with more than 95 years in the market.

Conversion Navigation Scheme 

📣Post social networks




💳Sign up for benefits (personalized cards)



🏅Open English

I know you've seen it in numerous commercials on TV and social media. Although here we will focus on your SEO strategy in the Google search engine, as part of the conversion funnel.

Navigation scheme of the Open English conversion 

📣Ad on Google (SEO strategy)




🛑CTA (call to action) promotion




🧑‍🏫Student – ​​Client

Initially, it appears in Google ads with meta descriptions focused on the classes and the English lessons that you will learn, giving the audience a taste of what they will see in the courses.

How to make a sales funnel? 4 Examples.

Let's see how to do it effectively in sales:


🥇 Cuponatic

They generate lead traffic from social media ads and email marketing campaigns to potential customers.

The success of your conversion is in the use of Pop-up so that the user subscribes and receives the offers in real time.

Likewise, they offer services that respond to the client's needs, such as: What plans are there for the weekend? Places to eat with my partner?

This leads to a unique experience for the audience.

Conversion Navigation Scheme 





📩Pop Ups – Subscription




🧑‍🏫Student – ​​Client

🥈 Airbnb

This rental platform uses an effective conversion funnel from its attraction in advertising ads and easy navigation on its website to find the best accommodation according to your need.

Conversion Navigation Scheme 



💻 Website  




♥️ Loyalty

🥉 Clear

This Latin American telecommunications company could not be left behind on this list.

📺Advertising messages offers - promotions


☎️First contact: customer service line  


💲plan purchase 



🏅 dafiti

This type of e-commerce business (electronic commerce) has positioned itself in the market thanks to the development of the conversion funnel, allowing the user not only to buy online, but also suggesting a good experience during the purchase journey in physical stores.

An online fashion site, of German origin that has evolved in recent years in Latin America.

Navigation scheme of the conversion in Dafiti



💻  Website – Expertise Centers


Interest in the physical store 



Closing, what do I need to be able to create my online sales funnel?

Don't let my closing data be left out as Tips. 

This list will guide you to really know what you need to create that first sales or marketing funnel:

✅Use organic traffic from the creation of SEO content. 

✅Take into account the development of Landing Pages and Email Marketing campaigns for the publication and dissemination of content.

✅Detect where the user loses interest and evaluate improvement actions.

✅Identify and internalize the value of your brand. 

✅Work on communication and connection with your audience. 

✅It contemplates having a basic knowledge in SEO, Social Media, creation of Landing Pages and in Email Marketing automation. In other words, knowledge of the Inbound Marketing channels.

✅Invest in the customer experience, I assure you that they will be willing to pay for excellent service and attention. 

If we haven't convinced you yet to implement this technique in your marketing plan, use this free resource: How to Produce Content for Each Stage of the Funnel. 

(Ebook) How to produce content for each stage of the funnel

Learn how to create content for the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Guide your Leads through the Purchase Process.

You have the possibility to choose, never say "I can't", dominate your mind and risk taking the best path. 

Until next time!

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