How to make a Marketing conversion funnel in 5 phases?

Writer RajuBhai

Yes... another conversion funnel, but wait, 🖐️how about we focus on how to make a conversion funnel for marketing, does that appeal to you?

If your answer is yes, this content will lead you to discover and investigate, without limiting yourself, a simple guide to identify the blocking points in the Customer Journey (the journey or customer experience), that is, the process that a person goes through to buy a product or service.

As we have discussed in other spaces, the conversion funnel is a visual concept of the different phases a user goes through.

Now. This method is not only for large companies or brands, it is for digital marketing leaders like you who want to know more about effective methods.   

"Let's get the juice" out of this topic.

Let's go!🤙

What is the conversion funnel in Marketing?

It is a very valuable tool that specifically refers to the steps a prospect goes through to become a customer.

The key to this process is that, as people progress, only those who are really interested in your service or product remain. 

This term is directly related to the objectives made in the digital marketing plan.

The wonderful thing about this system is that the content is the protagonist . Without clear, attractive, reliable and direct information, the user will immediately change the option. 

It is important to mention that this technique is part of the Inbound Marketing methodology , which seeks to reach a target audience without being impertinent, through the complete path that the consumer travels with your company.

What is the primary objective of the Marketing funnel?

If you are one of those who drinks a delicious cup of coffee to activate at work, you will know that its preparation is like the beginning of the user's path in a funnel. 

A filtration from the initial part to the final part , takes you to see and feel this drink ☕

Now, the initial purpose of this model is for the company to understand and optimize each stage of the funnel , in order to increase the probability that a person will become a customer.

In addition, knowing the abandonment points that the user leaves and reinforcing each phase of the cone (as the funnel is also called, cone), can generate a positive impact on the conversion rate and on the return on investment.  

You will need a large audience to start that path. That is to say, you must increasingly nourish the upper part of the funnel. 

Identify the roadblocks your audience is having, find ways around those bottlenecks , and come up with effective strategies that guide you to the end of the journey.

You can complement this reading with the Blog >> Conversion funnel: what it is, stages, types and differences. 

Is the theme sensational?… Let's keep learning 🤓!

How to make a marketing conversion funnel?: 5 phases

With the definition of the marketing conversion funnel clear, let's delve into the 5 most important phases that will work for the creation of this method. 

Typically, the marketing conversion funnel is split between initial attraction, consideration, decision making, and purchase. 

However, it is not enough to just mention them lightly. As we want you to focus, come with me to learn about the following phases:


The user meets your brand, it can be through social networks, advertisements or searches.

In this first level you will have the mission of attracting the largest number of visits so that they reach the last part of the funnel. You will have to be very creative and strategist.

2️⃣Awareness or Interest

They then acquire an interest in your product or service by going to the website or signing up for free material or valuable content that you have as an account or call to action.

The challenge in this phase is for the audience to pay their full attention and stay curious. Try to retain a high percentage of users.

3️⃣desire or consideration

In this phase, the prospects or leads feel a connection with what you are offering them, they perceive that they will be able to satisfy their needs. For this stage you can use customer testimonials or success stories that arouse that desire. 

In addition, the user will analyze each feature of the offer so as not to take risks when making the decision.

4️⃣decision and action

The user finally decides to buy, acquire what you are offering them, that nobody has, and start with their choice.


The final step, where the client is already a believer in your brand and will recommend it to friends, family and colleagues.

Keep in mind that you should always monitor the funnel to ensure that the user goes through the entire purchase journey. 

Each stage represents a challenge not only for the marketing area, but also for the sales area, therefore, effective techniques are required to keep the consumer in the process. 

Not all funnels use these stages, they can be long or short stages, it will depend on the objective you want to give it. 

¡Bonus Track! 

Reinforcing the above, follow these actions to build that first marketing conversion funnel:

  • Draw it on a piece of paper or use a drawing creation tool.
  • Optimize your website and landing pages with valuable content.
  • Collect and analyze the data that the conversion funnel is throwing .
  • Try as many times as necessary.

Perfect. Given these stages, and having the necessary explanation, how about moving on to practice?🙌🙌

(Ebook) How to produce content for each stage of the funnel

Learn how to create content for the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Guide your Leads through the Purchase Process.

3 examples of success in Digital Marketing Funnels

There are too many examples of success in the creation and generation of digital marketing funnels, so we will mention the top ones below so that your mind can take it as a reference and put it into practice. 

Pay attention!

  • Dropbox:

The cloud file sync and hosting service uses a marketing funnel, specially designed for its initial contact part, offering a free subscription and then inviting the user to upgrade.

  • Netflix:

The entertainment platform is a classic example of an effective marketing funnel , because from the moment the user enters the home page, it maximizes the probability of conversion and keeping the consumer until the subscription.

  • RD Station Marketing:

Our automation platform for SMEs uses the marketing funnel oriented to the free trial of the tool, giving the user an opener of what they will find in that demo.

These examples give us the reason why including the digital marketing funnel to the business can be so valuable and essential to achieve success.

6 Mistakes you should avoid when making a conversion funnel in Marketing

It is time to evaluate what you can and cannot do when developing a marketing funnel, recognize those mistakes and avoid bumps in the road.

  • ❌Not defining a strategy, not being clear about the actions that are going to be developed at each stage of the funnel. 
  • ❌Not defining the buyer person to be able to segment the proposed objectives, not knowing who the service will be directed to. 
  • ❌Not being clear about the content that is going to be shown at each level or stage.
  • ❌Not using the correct digital marketing channels .
  • ❌Not measuring and evaluating each phase of the funnel , generating loss of time.
  • ❌Do not improve the user experience ; this must be as simple and pleasant as possible in order to reach the last stage.

You may be interested in reading >> How to identify good sales opportunities in your funnel ?

Closing data…📝

  • Analyze your funnel using web tools to track and evaluate the entire user journey. The important thing is to know why this prospect left the path and at what stage they stayed. 
  • Let's not see it as impossible or far away to cover this topic, just create a logical route.
  • Use free funnel generators to build your funnel, for example Funnelytics . And with measurement tools, such as Google Analytics 4 , analyze the URLs or key content for each stage. 
  • Whenever you can optimize your funnel.
  • Create quality content through trusted channels.

Still don't know what type of material to consult to create and strengthen the production of content in the marketing funnel?

The ebook How to produce content for each stage of the funnel will be an excellent ally, check it out!👇

(Ebook) How to produce content for each stage of the funnel

Learn how to create content for the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Guide your Leads through the Purchase Process.

We want you to be an MVP (Most Valuable Player), the most valuable player in the game . In this case, in the creation of marketing conversion funnels, so go to practice. 

Until next time!

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