How to place social sharing buttons inside emails and PDFs IN 2023

Writer RajuBhai

Share buttons on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others are great drivers of online content and help considerably in Viral MarketingThose calls to action are a simple way to get your content out there and attract even more visitors.

The problem is that these codes are written in Javascript, a type of code that cannot be read by emails or PDFs such as eBooks, reports, and other documents.

Despite this, many times the content in this format is valuable and people see the utility in sharing it. And the buttons certainly make that easier. There is a very simple solution to this problem: transform them into simple links.

In our PDF eBooks, for example, we use this technique so that people share the download page of the same (which generates even more Leads for us). This can also be used for articles sent by email, in reports of the use of an online tool (share your result), and any other item that your company deems worthwhile, including posts like this one.

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The simplest form

Today there is already a free tool that prepares the links of the various networks: just enter the Share Link Generator .

However, we also share the manual options:

The Facebook Recommend Button

The Recommend button can be transformed into a link in the following way:

Being that instead of XXXX there should be the address of the page you want to share.

Your company can use that in a simple link like “ Recommend on Facebook ” or do something a bit more sophisticated: use an image simulating the Recommend button and add the link to the image like this:

The Tweet button

The Tweet (or share to Twitter) button can be used similarly.

The difference here is that the button does not contain just the link, but rather the entire Tweet, including the text (which the user can edit after clicking).

To do this, it is first necessary to encode the text. This can be quickly done with the use of tools like this one .

In "Plain" we place the text that we want to be shared. In the case of this post:

How to place social sharing buttons inside emails and PDFs via @RDStationES

When clicking on “URL encode: it returns the following encoded version:

Once this is done, just use the following link:

Where it reads XXXX, replace it with your encoded text. Similar to the Facebook button, your company can use a link or an image simulating the button:

Link to share on Google+

Offering your content on Google's social network is also very simple. Just use the following link and insert the destination URL in the place of XXXX:

See how it looks:

Button to share on LinkedIn

The link for LinkedIn follows the same logic as the others, with an addition: the title of the shared content. To insert the title, use the text encoding tool (as we teach for the Twitter button), then substitute XXXX for the destination URL and zzzz for your title:

Your link is ready to be shared:

Option to give "Pin" on images (Pinterest)

You can also provide links to allow users to share interesting images, charts, and infographics on their Pinterest accounts.

For this, it is necessary to have the link of the image  ttps://

e13286246672.jpg  and the URL of origin in the image (your website, post, or Landing Page of the eBook). Then just replace the source URL with XXXX and the image link with zzzz:

In case you want to add the description of the image, use the same text encoding tool that I mentioned above. Next, put the code in bbbb:

Observe the result:

Voila, your company has just gained one more way to boost its messages!

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